
What is the most important issue that u think a president should take care of.?

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u may have more than one issue.




  1. i see greg is a think that the economy and energy issues are the most important.  Energy solutions would help inflation, the falling dollar, and other issues in the economy...

  2. the illegal aliens....why wont anyone abide by the laws here....

  3. National Security.  Plain and simple.  If that goes, everything else doesn't matter.

  4. government interference in personal lives.

  5. The economy, college tuition, and upholding our Constitution.

  6. the illegal immigrants.. get them out of here and the economy will improve quite a bit.. americans will again be able to get decent jobs with benefits, the welfare will go back to citizens who actually pay for it.. social security will go back to those who actually paid in to it, Crime rate would drop.. Hospitals would stop closing due to immigrants stealing healthcare from them.  Insurance rates might actually drop because you don't have a bunch of idiots who are not licensed driving drunk. Homelessness would improve because people would actually be able to start getting sect 8 housing again that is currently going to illegals..Schools would actually be schools again and our kids would actually be able to learn again.. Us citizens would actually be able to start attending college because illegals would not be taking all the financial aid. and the list goes on

  7. national security

  8. The Most Important are The People of the United States, their pusuit of happiness, their Welfare  and Properity, while Making the Dollar Vauable by Fair Trade Not Free Trade...Energy Crisis, Securing the Borders.

  9. The economy and the war in Iraq

  10. Decode this lyrics  " Who will save the world"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Decode this lyrics " The greatest love of all"

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Decode this lyrics " Without you"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Decode this lyrics " You my soul you my heart"

    Matt 22.32

    What do you think?

  11. making the dollar worth something again, and inflation

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