
What is the most important object for you? Why did you chose it?

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What is the most important object for you? Why did you chose it?




  1. my weights because i need them to get ripped

  2. I'm just lookig for my pencil sharper at the moment.

    But, my laptop and Nintendo DS. can't live without them. adn my WiFi connection.

  3. Cell phone . 'Cause it is my connection to other folks in another country.

  4. My dad's glasses. My mom's handwritten letter. My dog's collar.

    Why? That's personal.

  5. My wedding ring, because I look at it everyday and it reminds me what a wonderful man I married, even though he's been in the Middle East since January.

  6. my geetar, id be lost without it.

  7. Er- tough question. id say my spirit because its the only thing i know i will have forever and can change as often as i please.

  8. my cell phone because it has helped me get through even the most boring situations

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