
What is the most important part of your body?

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What is the most important part of your body?




  1. The tongue.  With it you can encourage, demean, edify, admire, acquiesce, argue, and so on and so on.

  2. the dong

  3. There is no single most important part of the body, since the lack of any one of quite a few individual parts would cause rapid death, which leads to rotting, and odor, and consumption by wild animals among other unpleasantries.  Oh joy.

    You would be better off trying to determine which is the LEAST important part of your body, and yet I can't easily make that call either.  Our bodies don't come with a lot of unnecessary bells and whistles.  Even the vestigial parts such as the appendix apparently has a purpose according to the latest medical thinking.  Some people have an extra nipple.  That might be a candidate.

  4. your mind and your skin

  5. there is not one most improtant part of the body. if you lose 1, the whole thing falls apart. the heart keeps you alive by pumping blood through your body. without your brain, you wouldn't breath, understand noises, understand smells, or anything for that matter. your lungs hold oxygen so you can breath. your eyes see the important things. the list goes on and on, but there is not one most important part.

  6. there is no way to answer that.  without your brain nothing else would function, however without your heart your brain would not get blood, without your lungs your blood wouldn't get any oxygen, without the skin you would constantly be infected, without the kidneys you would die of poisoning and so on.  You can't say that there is a most important part, they all work together and they are all necessary.

  7. The brain.

  8. Ummmm.... i would say the brain and the heart and maybe all the cells but that's not really answering the question.

    I guess i can't decide although with your tongue there are lot of interesting ways to deal with things and i quite like ma nails cause you can paint-okay trying not to be side tracked...i chose (randomly.THIS IS HARD) the brain.

  9. Your brain, I'd imagine

  10. your soul of course

  11. Your Spirit!  Without it you are just so much flesh!  Vegetative!

  12. Skin, without it everything would fall out and dry out.

  13. my eyes they are the window to your soul ya know

  14. every part is equally important. without one, the others can't survive

  15. The heart. If it stops beating for even a minute, or if the beats became erratic, you're in serioud trouble.

  16. ur heart then your brain

  17. The skin, you know how many infections your body would get otherwise? You realize how quick those infections would kill you? Sure the Brain and Heart are important right after it, as are many other parts, BUT without a protective covering of skin you wouldn't live long enough to worry about them.

  18. toenail...!

  19. the whole part of the body

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