
What is the most important reason or excuses that most people will give not to change?

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What is the most important reason or excuses that most people will give not to change?




  1. The root is that they "believe" they are right and the more people that believe what they believe enforces that belief. Welcome to the world of organized religion.

  2. People justify not changing for many reasons:

    Change is very hard.

    They don't want to admit the way they were doing things was wrong-it's painful.

    They don't want to feel judged by others who are encouraging that change.

    They do the things they do for a reason-it is hard to let go of those things.  People "institutionalize" themselves to certain behaviors.

  3. because when someone has to change it means that they are wrong or been doing wrong. when someone wants one to change it's because they don't like/agree on what they are doing.

    people who don't want to change would say "i like the way i am"

    and a person would only change when they person asking is someone they really care about or if a something tragic (life changing) happens..stubborn people don't like changing themselves. and alot of people don't like when you're telling them that they should change something about themselves--they're more likely to get offensive and mad then to take your opinion

  4. if people put the concept in your mind that you need to change then they have a psychological edge over you,  its them who need to change , and secondly why are they making inaccurate stupid judgements about you ?  why are they sticking their nose in when its not wanted ?  its them who are fckd and need to change and also need to butt out.

    also ; lets take a look at whats wrong with them, lets judge them see the errors in their  life , hmmm i wonder how they would manage ?  answer : they wouldnt ! !  because their complete **8holes and fckd idiots

  5. If they are in a grove they will not change

  6. " I don't have time. "

  7. Why is it that they have to change?

  8. There is no reason or excuse good enough!  If we really and truly want to progress in life, we must be willing to accept change and more willing to apply the changes in our life.

    Excuse is abuse.

    To progress to the point of complete self-realisation, we will have to make so many changes in our lives, our thinking, our consciousness etc etc etc. That is if we are actually serious about make real progress in this human form of life. Take care. Best wishes. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA.

    Those who don't wamt to make or accept change usually feel that they are already good enough. Pride!!! How much longer must I bathe in the urine of the *** caleed pride?

  9. The most common excuse is "Sorry man no time,very busy"

  10. That way they will not have to admit that something they do is wrong, needs improvement, or requires an apology.

  11. 1.  Why should I change, I like me just how I am.

    2.  If you don't like it, you change, I like me just how I am.

    3.  Laziness

  12. Most of us we pretend ourselves and we give an excuse that we haven't changed and we would not like to change our character , however due to lot of unavoidable circumstances one needs to get adjusted with  Life and needs to get accustomed with all scenarios .

    Few of us will say ' I would die rather than changing myself  and this is how i love to live ' , but one or the other day they will be forced to change their attitude.  

  13. For one, we are all creatures of habit and most of us do not like change.  We get too comfortable in our own environment.

    If you want to 'change' others around you, you must first, change yourself.  The old cliche of; "Do as I say, not as I do" has and never will, work.  Are 'we'  willing to change ourselves, in order to bring about change in others?

  14. "He's the one who should change, not me".

    Essentially, people are afraid of being wrong.

    For the exception - those who are not afraid of being wrong, it gets a lot more complicated than that*.

    *Hench, Anonmom's answer.

  15. Fear of the unknown...........

    Trust in themselves and their divinity with God

    People get stuck in life and do not realize that we have to live in the NOW to transcend by our thought and actions to rise above the circumstances or situations in life :)))


  17. The reason that people don't change is because what they are doing is more important to them than what it takes to change.


    Too hard to change

    I like what I am doing

    If you don't love me the way I am, then you don't love me at all

    Stay out of my life, and let me live it the way I see fit

    I'm not hurting anyone

    It costs too much money to change

    I don't have the time

    I'm too weak

    I'll lose my friends

    I'll disappoint my parents

    I'll change in the future

    I tried changing and it didn't work

    Their is no right or wrong so why does it matter what I do?

    These are just a few that I came with off the top of my head.  I'm sure their are a ton more.  I even think I've used a few of them.  What has finally got me to change when I have done it is to have the Desire to change become greater than the Desire to keep things as they were.

  18. THey feel that they are fine like they are

  19. we all change dear banjaran...whether we like it or not.



  20. Hi,

    It is easier to stay with the status quo. It is difficult to change. Many people fear change or they feel it would be too much of a challenge. They would rather continue the way they are. Change means diving into the unknown and some are afraid of it.

    I think these would carry the heaviest weight on someone's decision to change.

  21. There is seeming security in status quo.

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