
What is the most important thing anyone or any situation has ever taught you?

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What is the most important thing anyone or any situation has ever taught you?





  2. Never push the red button.

  3. theres a reason fo everything and everyone, sometimes i will regret a decison but i wont dwell on the past the past is the past we live in the present so deal with that

  4. once, i had faced a REAL problem involving my family; and ive noticed how little the things ive cried and hurt myself all my life for were. like crying after stupid boyfriends,and who said what.

    all you need in life is i always say,you are up to you.

  5. Learning to let go.

    Sometimes we let go of the person because we love them.

  6. Your stories are important.  Reflect upon your experiences.  Discern the lessons you have learned, and learn to spin the yarn so that others can learn from your life's tapestry--but also learn to tell your stories so that in the telling you heal up those old battle wounds.    


    dont ever change or pretend to

    be someone your not.

    its the best you can do in this life.

  8. Love yourself the way you are, and loving others will come naturally

  9. several tragedies in my life have deeply ingrained in me the refusal to compromise a certain amount of principal, truth, and dignity, but most importantly, time.

    no matter how tough we are, how safe, how determined, etc. tomorrow could be it.

    in a nutshell, life is far too short and unpredictable to "put up" with any sort of BS

  10. Everything works out. No matter how bad of a problem everything will work out and harmony will be restored.

  11. That every situation has a purpose, and that I am strong enough to handle difficult ones if I remain present and open.

  12. Patience was taught to me by my children.  They don't sleep through the night just because they ask you to.  You teach them to and it takes several weeks.  That is one of the many examples.

  13. That "nothing really matters".  Most people think this is a form of laziness and ignorance, but it isn't.  When you truly understand it (and the reasons why), you are under less stress and can take things more easy, but, don't worry, you are still going to care about things ... you just won't do it so blindly as you did before.

    You don't need to read books or talk to people to understand this.  I found it out myself.  It was never a goal that I wanted to reach.  It just came to me.

  14. That it's not what you go through, it's your attitude while your going through it. And, if your attitude is optimistic, hopeful, you will just go through it. Life is 10% what hapens to you and 90% how one reacts to it.  

  15. Don't ever fall in love with something that won't love you back.

    I learned this after being kicked out of the army, despite being almost comically gung-ho, when I was caught sleepwalking.  You can fall in love with the army, but the army will never fall in love with you.  I've had that lesson confirmed by my own dealings with political parties.  But I don't think I truly appreciated the lesson until I met and married my wife.  At the end of the day there's no cause, no institution that's more worthy than loving someone and being loved in return.  Too bad my sister, who's a crazed PETA activist, hasn't figured it out yet.

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