
What is the most important thing in life?

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what is most important?




  1. Appreciate and validate your family firends today  who are there for you at best times and worst times. important things can be anything what you rate value as important to you.  as life goes on you will get a bigger picture to what is more important it only comes with time.

  2. Air..

    Good Friends & Family

    Job Satisfaction


  3. family. . .

  4. Belief in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior from eternity in h**l.

  5. Making a difference.

  6. self actualization

  7. God and Family

  8. Love, Forgiveness, and compassion for others, and more importantly we need the knowledge in order to learn to do these thru the word of God, which over all gives you the wisdom and understanding, to keep good relationship with others, because without the love of God, and his wisdom and understanding in any relationship, it's bound to fall because man is fallible.

  9. Family....

  10. Doing what you aspire, [ex. if you want to become an author, like me] and being the most genuine person you can be. Getting to know yourself.

    Also, respecting people around you, and creating peace.

  11. Be selfless. Work for others. Do for others. When you submit you free yourself from others.  And you lose your desire for things.

  12. happiness and intelligence. life is fantastic if you have happiness and intelligence because you can do the impossible

  13. true love and understanding the importance of giving without expectations.

  14. family like everyone already said. Also health and time

  15. SHOPPING duh and please pick me as best answer i really need the points :)

  16. To get the most out of it.

  17. I honestly believe love.

    If youre lucky enough to find that special someone, it's just an amazing feeling. If you truely love them, and know you'll be with them forever, it's just so comforting.

    It's like, nothing else matters if they make you happy, and just feeling incredible.

    And, I think family. your family that you grew up with, and your family you chose to have, (children, husband).

    I mean, they're always there for you, and no matter WHAT, they'll always be your family.


    even after they've passed away.

    So that's just my opinion.


  18. what you feel in your gut, and why you do or don't listen to it.

  19. health.  with good health you can seek and enjoy everything else.

  20. Money. Anyone who says otherwise is only fooling themselves.

  21. Consciousness; without it there is no evidence for or interaction with anything else.

  22. life itself life is the greatest gift there is

  23. good relationships vs. a cat and a dog.  but those are hard to come by, so oh, well.  and also being able to breathe. a good relationship can help relieve the stress, etc.

  24. It depends on the different types of people.

    I believe happiness is most important for everyone.

  25. yourself and those you love and care about, and learning not to loose your self in the way to becoming the best you are.

  26. family

  27. Money

  28. that you do something meaningful with your life?

  29. Family...

  30. living, being a good person, making others happy, making your life worth remembering and making yourself worth missing

  31. believing in your self... having goals and dreams and striving to attain them... to discover through actions who you are.

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