
What is the most important thing in the world?

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What is the most important thing in the world?




  1. Living life to it's fullest and enjoying everyday you have cause you could be in worst shape.

  2. You are the most important thing in the world if you believe in "The God" and follow the right path. Take care of you and be an earnest believer in the God, the supreme power and follow his teachings, rest of the worldly thing you will receive automatically.

  3. Loving God with all your heart and everything else just falls into place.

  4. The love I share with my husband.

  5. believe in god!

  6. s*x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    .......this is a don't take it serious...but s*x is pretty important, well, NO ONE wants to DIE a VIRGINO_O DUH?!!(jk...)

  7. It's different for everybody.

  8. If you're a hedonist, short-term pleasure.

    If you're a stoic, honor and duty.

    If you're a monotheist, then it ought to be your god, I guess, tho' few monotheists live up to the expectation.

    If you're an epicurean, then it's long-term sanginity.

    If you agree with Kant, it's behaving in a way that would best promote an ideal world.

    If you're a Marxist, it's the proletariat.

    and so forth.  There's no right answer, there's only metaphysics.

  9. God. love.

  10. H20 or the other the other elements in the "Periodic Table." (but most importantly water) . scientist "insist" every living thing needs it. and yeah. the fungi and microsopic animals produce food, and anilmals eat, followed by larger animals and so on.

    p.s. we also need the sun. but you said on this Earth [;

  11. anything you hold close to your heart

  12. My friend Nina :)

  13. God!  God or Jesus is always the right answer...anyone who's been to Sunday School knows what I'm talking about.  :)

  14. friends and family and the people you mostly care about

  15. for me is my son's well being

  16. LOVE

  17. Hope

  18. family,or those closest to you. Because, sometimes they are all you've got. And, no matter how annoying they are, most of us love 'em. there are some things that you just can't get through alone, and some that no one should have to. So, when it all comes down to it, loved ones are the most important thing in the world.

  19. God

  20. money

    to survive

  21. well i belive is your life

  22. I think i know.

  23. for me

    is my family

    i cant live without them <3

  24. Cash money!!

  25. Children.

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