
What is the most important thing that you learned this year, and how did you find out about it?

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Doesn't have to be a lifelong lesson, rather something from 2008. Otherwise, it might turn into a really long story...




  1. I had my dog since I was about 8 or 9 years old. (I'm 19 now). When I was a crazy teenager, I knew I always had my dog and that he always loved me no matter what, which is more than I can say for most humans. This year while my boyfriend and I were on vacation, he passed away. It feels like I lost my best friend...

  2. How to avoid an oncoming car who is passing on a two way road. I learned this at Driver's Training.

  3. I learned that people can be insecure and you need to be careful what you say. Even if you don't think it will hurt their feelings, there is a possibility that it will. So be careful what you say. You don't want to hurt someone you  love.

  4. That we only exist to pay taxes and then die. I'm being taxed so much here in North Carolina it's not funny. It's really hurting the older generation in NC and the legislature just don't give a d**n, and I mean that sincerely.

  5. i learned that life isn't easy and sometimes u have to sacrifice for things u need

  6. It is a very long story but I will condense it.  I learned that loving is not enough.  I learned this heartbreaking lesson when my adult daughter took me to court.  By the way, I WON!  Nonetheless, it was a sweet but sad victory.

  7. i learned that being nice to everyone makes everyone nice to you. be nice to even enimies and you will be well loved

  8. I learned that it's best to keep to myself at my job.  Punch in, do my job to the best of my ability and punch out.  Not to get too invovled with anyone, it's less stressful that way.

  9. I Learned That All Guys Are Jerks.

  10. life sucks

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