
What is the most important thing you believe the U.S. Government is keeping secret from the public?

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What do you think. More importantly, What do you know!




  1. The teaching of American history and our Constitution Limited Republic in our public school systems

    If Americans knew the truth 99% of all politcians would be jailed

  2. The Monarch Project and modern drug manufacturers.  - i.e. Mind Control.

  3. There is no oval office in the White House.  There is no president Bush.  He is puppet. Congress is a really nothing more than robots sitting around tables and pushing buttons.

    Obama is in reality Bin Laden in disguise.  Hillary Clinton is really a high priced madam working the various meetings and rallies.  These are true facts.  Turn to Fox news for the O'Reilly show.

  4. Area 59

  5. -What really happened on 9/11...I'm not saying its a conspiracy, but soo much happened, and I'm almost certain the government knows.

    -The existence of aliens

    -The fake moon landing (WE WANT TO KNOW)

    -Who really killed JFK

    -If aliens had any involvment in WWII :D

    -What is really going on in Iraq

    -Did Bu$h rig the elections?!?!?

    -WTF is that foot statue in Lost season 2 and why did it show up in the clouds in the 4th season!??!?!


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