
What is the most impressive instrument to play?

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What is the most impressive instrument to play?




  1. guitar and harmonica, at the same time... like bob dylan or billy joel (the piano in his case tho)

  2. Violin   viola

    also there is a wind instrument that sounds like a violin, that is nice BUT WHAT IS IT?

    Erhu  sounds like a violin or does the violin sound like the Erhu - the Erhu is Chinese and soooo beautiful to hear, so so impressive

    also I think the Oboe is a wind instrument that sounds like the violin and there is a site that talks about this

    all        V E R Y       I    M    P    R    E    S    S    I    V    E

  3. HI Jennifer T.  :)  Very interesting question.  *****   Though, the instrument is not what is impressive.... it is the skill and talent of the person who plays it.   James Galway on flute.  Kenny G on soprano sax.  YO-YO Ma on Cello.  Gianni on piano... and the list, as you know, goes on forever.   Without the musician,  the instrument is silent.   Perhaps one of the hardest instruments to play is the oboe (and family).   One of the most beautiful sounding instruments.. to me.. is the harp.  The answer really is subjective,  because we all have different preferences...  but it is very nice to read what other people think, too.   Thanks for reading.

  4. Most impressive... unrealistically that would have to be the contrabass saxophone. The thing is like 7 feet

  5. Guitar but that is my opinion

  6. Any string instrament because it takes such presisin to get things intune, and alot of stylistical things too. VIOLIN ALL THE WAY!!!

  7. I'd say violin because it can be played in all sorts of ways and most famous people like Beethoven and Bach played that kind of instrument.

    I played violin since Elementary School....

  8. Well...according to my name I'd have to say mallet

    Have you ever seen someone play with 4 mallets? I just learned how last year around this time and I love it.

    Percussion instruments, in my opinion, are the most impressive.

    Though some may disagree, but's their opinion.

  9. Well because they're really difficult to play (well) I would say the bassoon or the oboe.

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