
What is the most in-demand college course now?

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i can't still decide whether what course should i take up in college..




  1. There are a couple that I've read are very hot right now.  First, because of the aging of baby-boomers, anything in health/medical or allied health is a good area to enter. This is one of the reasons you can find a new pharmacy going up on every corner nowadays!  Another couple areas that are very hot are project management and financial analyst. The final one I'd like to suggest is anything in the engineering field.  This a very challenging field with much competition and requires a great deal of dedication and focus, but the rewards may be worth it.  I'd research these areas on the web or with an academic adviser to identify the best choice for you.

  2. I would say as a major choose business or something with computers. As far as jobs, anything in healthcare, business or computers are in demand and I think will always be. You can also try nursing as a major in college. As far as the healthcare jobs, you will either have to professional school which is 4 yrs after college or enroll in a program for like 1-2 yrs being a med assistant, nurse's assistant, pharm tech, x-ray tech, radiology tech, something of that nature. Good Luck chossing a major/career!

  3. If your talking about majors I'd recommend do to something with the environment. As we slow destroy our earth we need people who will restore it. By 2030 there will be 35 million "green collar" jobs.

    Good luck!

  4. Probably a business class.

  5. Most careers require basic math or basic english. Those are always the hardest classes to get into.  

  6. Do you mean in terms of popularity? If so, the most popular majors in general are: Business Admin/Management, Psychology, Elementary Education, Biology, Nursing, Education, English, and Communications.

    If you mean in terms of employment, the most in-demand jobs right now (jobs where they really need more people) are: Nursing, General and Operations Managers, Physicians and Surgeons, Elementary School Teachers, Accountants and Auditors, Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, etc. (see second link below.)

  7. Most in-demand major; anything to do with healthcare.  Healthcare is huge and will be huge in the future.  Business is good too.  

  8. i'm guessin.

    but probably hairdressin? :/

  9. Well, most colleges will require that you take English Composition, Speech, and College Algebra or a higher level math course to earn a Bachelors degree.

  10. I'd ask my counselor.  They usually have a pretty good grip on these things.  Also, i'd ask for some numbers so you can come up with a comprehensive list of courses and/or degrees you want to take up...

  11. See basically if u want to earn better in minimum time then comp eng through a good college is the best option in my opinion.....Rest on u ,in which u are interested....

  12. computer science or computer engineering.

  13. most degrees require English Composition, seriously.

    best wishes!!!

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