
What is the most interesting conspiracy you know of?

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I am curious about what the most popular conspiracies are besides 9/11?




  1. Princess Diana and JFK

  2. the Freemasons aka the Stonecutters.cont. lollol

  3. GWB is going to become Catholic.  Tony Blair recently became Catholic.  According to Bible prophecy, the third world war will involve Anglo-Americans aligned with the Pope in Rome, Italy.......and this will be a most unholy alliance.  GWB's grandfather was a n**i sympathizer.  The 'theory' is that soon our nation will be betrayed and destroyed by these forces coming together at just the right time.  Personally, I do not think this is a conspiracy, but the real thing, according to Bible prophecy.

  4. Area 51, Princess Diana (Theres always been something not quite right with that) and the 'Presidents book of secrets' (not really a conspiracy but you know ^-^)

  5. this one,

  6. area 51, and any government conspiracies

  7. Well, I saw something on here about 9/11 and it intrigued me no end.  Here it is.........

    On microsoft word, key in Q33NY whic is supposed to be the number of one of the planes that crashed.

    change to font to 48

    Then change it to wingdings.

    See the result.

    Now how did that happen,  who is responsible.  Could it have been arranged after 9/11.  I have no idea, I just saw it on here and gave it a try.

    Sorry to the original person for hijacking your post.

  8. Short-changing, conning and deceiving little children in broad daylights with non-existence rights on tribe of original descendant with 30% equity rights on everything in life off the land in ruling, leading and guiding a bunch of educated idiots with self lack of knowldge in making a monkey out off other tribes of different community.

    Luke 3.7-9

    With oppression and slavery in idol worshiping the dead Mummy with whiff of rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom  in kicking the butts of little children of all tribes in own backyards with total loss of IQ.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    As cheap-skate glory of success in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of gloriuos past civilization as cheap-skate glory of National Identity

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    While telling little children cheap-skate ghostly stories on past colonial ruler was oppressing them with slavery.

    When it was past colonial ruler with Freedom Fighters who led and guided their Elders to walk out to their Freedom with  Liberation of Freedom from world war two.

    With their creation of loss of peace on earth goodwill in time.

    Exodus 20.1-2

    Leviticus 26.13

    What do you think?

  9. The street gangs that hang in current events LOL

  10. The one about the butter that's not actually butter.

  11. Conspiracies that have to do with:

    - JFK  assassination

    - Masons (  Belief that top government officials have a evil agenda and they are all part of a secret society Freemasonry)

    -  Roswell Incident

    - NWO ( New World Order)

    -  Esoteric Agenda which a "hot" conspiracy right now where supposedly the so called evil government is planning to kill off almost all of human civilization as we know it by the year 2012 as a sort of sacrifice to Gaia  or near that date. Here  is the video about it here if you want to see it for yourself:

  12. Assasination of JFK still rumbles on.

  13. J.F.K.


    Princess Diana.

    Look also in The Sunday Sport.

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