
What is the most laughable about Paranormal research/investigation?

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What is YOUR opinion..

My opinion:

1st - That people actually believe in Ghosts. HAHAHAHA!!

2nd - That people actually investigate this! ahhahahahaha

3rd - The SciFi channel devoted TWO shows to it!! Oh.. my G-d!

4th - Orbs = DUST!!

5th - Thinking your house is haunted = Paranoia and mental illness.

6th - Ghosts and Aliens are inter-related. INSANITY!!




  1. Well, I don't think that 1,2,3 and 5 are necessarily that laughable. To me, yes they are silly, but to others it wouldn't be. I mean it really is not unusual that people believe in invisible superbeings floating about. I think humans are hardwired to believe that way, and unless they have a good science education to combat these boogeyman instincts, the instincts tend to win out.

    #4 is silly because there is a very well understood, natural and experimentally demonstrated explanation for "orbs" (dust, moisture, lens flare, etc.), yet it is rejected in favor of a fantastic, absurd and unlikely explanation. That's definitely in the silly realm. Laughable even.

    #6 is definitely laughable. I'll give you that.

  2. Hey, square, expand your mind! The Doors of Perception are open for business.

  3. opinions are like butt holes, everyone has them...

  4. At one time I thought it was like Pro-wrestling.People pretended it was real but everyone knew the truth.Unfortunately it's not,folks buy into it hook line and sinker.I guess we're not as advanced  a society as we thought or hoped.That's funny,laughable and sad at the same time

  5. That it has not been able to prove or disprove the existence of God and usually leaves God out in favour of Ghosts . Aliens while placed in that category are not paranormal just normal but technologically advanced . Does not matter there is evidence aliens are an idea that people have because the universe is large and unexplored so they figure chances are aliens can be found. since Asama Bin Laden will never be found it will fall to paranormal experts to investigate reports of sitings of Asama Bin La-den's ghost. Paranormal investigators to not believe or disbelieve the just  determine whether there is a paranormal event and so far they have not found one.

  6. 1st- 9/11 conspiracy. It is clearly done by the Al Qaeda, not the U.S. gov.

    2nd- Rosewell incident. I used to believe in it, but recent National Geographic Channel show convinced me that it ain't what people think.

    3rd- Bush is a good president. Bull****. He is probably the worst president in American history, according to Donald Trump.

  7. That you are living in a world with blinders on.  You can't see, taste or hold air.  But it exists.  I'll pray for your soul.  God Bless...

  8. I go with #7 arm chair skeptics that dimiss all claims without examining any evidence and then claim they are championing the cause of real science.

  9. 7th That skeptics can't accept the truth!!!!1

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