
What is the most likely way that Mankind will meet its end?

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What is the most likely way that Mankind will meet its end?




  1. the environment's destruction

  2. The most certain thing is when the Sun expands into a red giant star. There are other possibilities that seem about equally likely, so the red giant Sun is by far the most likely.

  3. Read the bible

  4. Exhausting some key resources.  That's probably thousands of years minimum, depending on population growth trends, movement of large populations into consumptive lifestyles (China, India), and how smart we get about resource management and usage.

  5. Self-destruction. We will create  or cause our own extinction in some way, be it massive climate shift (in progress) or a technological catastrophy (weapons).

    Either that or SkyNet will finally become self-aware.

  6. i'll go with disease.

  7. probably global war over resources (oil and water mostly) or world wide disease

  8. polution or Robots

    maybe bush

  9. E arth and solar system will enter a dangerous area in space where there are antimatter and all matter will annihilate into energy!

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