
What is the most masculine language?

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Please leave this question open to your interpretation. It may mean that the language has many words for masculine things, and/or the culture of the countr(ies) in which the language is spoken holds men as highest, and/or it sounds "manly" and/or whatever you think! Thanks.




  1. English

  2. Manx ...... from the Isle of Man....

  3. Germanic and Slavic languages, as they have the largest consonant clusters.

  4. German

  5. German. First answer that came to mind.  

  6. German.  I'll never forget what my deceased mother used to say about the German language.  She called it "vulgar."

  7. Since "manliness" is subjective, I'll give you some examples of where masculinity 'triumphs' in grammar.  I can give you an example in some of the Romance languages, like Spanish and Italian...

    In Spanish there are 2 words for "They" depending on whether the group is all-female or not.  If there are 2 or more women/girls, they would be referred to as "ellas" in the 3rd person plural.  If there are 6,000 women/girls and 1 man/boy, they are referred to as "ellos," the masculine pronoun meaning "They."  This can be argued as a "masculine"-leaning quality, where 1 man can turn the whole group into a masculine group.

    In addition, languages like Spanish and Italian do this for adjectives describing the group as above.


    *2 women/girls -- "They are nice"

    --Spanish:  Ellas son simpáticas.  (Ellas and simpáticas are both in feminine form)

    --Italian:  Loro sono simpatiche.  (simpatiche is the feminine form)

    *100,000 women/girls and 1 man/boy -- "They are nice."

    --Spanish:  Ellos son simpáticos.  (Ellos and simpáticos are in the masculine form)

    --Italian:  Loro sono simpatici.  (simpatici is in the masculine form)

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