
What is the most meaningful thing you did in life?

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What is the most meaningful thing you did in life? Please be specific and explain!!




  1. The most meaningful thing I've done so far is achieving my personal goals.

    I've found love, graduated high school, gone to college, joined a marching band, had a cat, grown a plant... many little goals that make my life worth living and satisfactory to date. I have many goals to go in my short lifetime, but they will all be equally meaningful to me in the end of things.

  2. Gave birth to two healthy girls.  Other than that, nothing.

  3. Well... my dear...

    Let me see...there were  MANY ...meaningful things I've done in my life & I still try to do "some more"...before I "depart", but the most essential...I guess would be..that I took my husband away from this "slave-job" on Henry  Ford's Assembly-line...back in 1976...encouraged him to get some "higher" education...(he was perfectly "happy"/content with an high-school-diploma, coming from the SOUTH, poor,black & underprivleged....) He was uncertain of being able to go to college, but I verified & promised, I would assist him & help him all I can...-which I did- (went to libraries, typed his research-papers, corrected his mistakes, etc.,etc)-

    I could write a whole "book" about this "happening", but I want to keep it short...-in essence...this poor, black assembly-line blue-collar-worker..."licked blood" as they say...he found JOY & contentment in the learning process -and- "over the years"...achieved batchelor, masters, etc.- and - TODAY...he is a professor at : Highland Park Community College in Detroit !!! I don't want to "earn" credit for his achievements...-even though...had I not motivated him, encouraged him, helped him... he probably would still be "a slave at Henry Ford's Motor Co.---( I must also mention: I got a divorce back in 1978 when I saw, he was on his "way"...) ---In retrospect, I regret it today, because now...I'm back here in Germany -unemployed- and if I had "stuck" with him... I would be much better : Mrs. Professor ....-well-...that's the way it is, but I'm glad for him & a little proud of myself that I was "responsible" for another person's success!!! I've always been condescending towards others !!!

    Wishing you all the best for the future !! Greetings from Germany...Annette***

  4. In junior high I wrote a poem to a gal that had been having difficulty in life - foster homes, that sort of thing - about how there could not be pleasure without pain.  Didnt think much of it, not a very impressive poem,  and the gal disappeared from my life.

    About 10 years later I ran into her again - she was in college, and told me that poem had turned her life around.  

    Its not always the big things in life that become the most meaningful.

  5. I brokedown. And because of that my life has turned in a better direction. it's hard to explain, but that is the most meaningful thing I've ever done so far.

  6. Not being sarcastic but think dying is the most significant thing we all do.

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