
What is the most moral thing to do for a minister of religion who has lost his or her faith in God?

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Would it be the right thing for them to immediately resign, because it would be hypocritical of them to remain, and they may infect their flock?

Or should they stay and pretend to still believe, because of the good they can still do, helping people in their parish?

(I asked this in Religion and Spirituality, but some people got unnecessarily cranky over it).




  1. I think they should take some time to really think and reflect. Just because they've lost their faith, doesn't mean they can't find it again. And I don't think it is the worse thing in the world to do some good for others, even if you get nothing out of it yourself. I did hear a while back that Mother Teresa wrote in a journal towards the end of her life that she questioned her faith, and look at all she did.

  2. the most moral thing would be to resign . . . .this has happened before . . .we all question god at times . . . .

  3. there are "doers but not believers" there are also "believers but does'nt even care to do things"and for a ministry of God, they are called as "believers and doers" for God,,in that case of losing faith to,,you may continue to do things which you believe that is right,although not for God but just do it for your good...but still im reminding that we cannot live well without God...

  4. as a former christian, and one who experienced exactly that, i think he should resign immediately, instead of waiting for his wife to disclose that he had an affair and no longer wished to care for his family. its hard to know what was lies and what was truth at that point. resign, immediately.

  5. one more choice would be to stay and be honest with his flock about (hopefully) a temporary difficulty he/she is having;  one can still teach the scriptures during this time; perhaps, things would change for this minister over time; if not, then at least they were honest and not a hypocrite

  6. All that people can do in life is to be honest to themselves.

    This probably sounds both obvious and easy.

    It is neither.

    Morality is the way a person conducts their life assuming that they are not being observed.

    Morality does not require magical beings planning punishments in order to be beneficial to all of humanity.

    Someone dedicated to the betterment of humanity should require no supernatural justification.

  7. You would be surprised of how many have lost faith in the official religions  but keep working because people need hope etc   My best advice would be for them to study anthropology and psychology....they would know what the meaning of archetypes studying the real history of the first three centuries of christian era for example .....they would see what is real or what a purely made up stories

  8. I would suggest that the minister explain his dilemma to the elders and deacons of the church and ask for a sabbatical. Most people have experienced the same thing.

    I think it's better for the congregation to hear honesty. They will likely be able to see through him anyways.

    I wouldn't leave the church, just join the congregation for a while. Everyone has doubts sometimes. The minister can still do good works as a member of the congregation. People will probably respect his honesty and may still seek him for advice.

    To Know You - by Nichole Nordeman

    It's well past midnight

    And I'm awake with questions that won't

    Wait for daylight

    Separating fact from my imaginary fiction

    On this shelf of my conviction

    I need to find a place

    Where You and I come face to face

    Thomas needed

    Proof that You had really risen


    When he placed his fingers

    Where the nails once broke Your skin

    Did his faith finally begin?

    I've lied if I've denied

    The common ground I've shared with him

    And I, I really want to know You

    I want to make each day

    A different way that I can show You how

    I really want to love You

    Be patient with my doubt

    I'm just tryin' to figure out Your will

    And I really want to know You still


    Could not understand how You could

    Truly free us

    He struggled with the image

    Of a grown man born again

    We might have been good friends

    Cuz sometimes I still question, too

    How easily we come to You

    No more campin' on the porch of indecision

    No more sleepin' under stars of apathy

    And it might be easier to dream

    But dreamin's not for me

  9. i think he should resign and travel and see the world.  maybe then he can find the answers he's been looking for.

    good luck to him

  10. If a minister of religion has lost their faith in God, it would be best for everyone if they were to step down. Whether you believe in God or not, you shouldn't have to pretend like you believe the opposite. If a minister of religion does once again regain their belief, then they could always go back. No harm.

  11. Stay and refind their faith in God.  

    But if it was me i'd just leave in the first place. yuck.

  12. I think we've all lost faith in God at some point. Peter himself denied Christ at the hour of His death. Ministers are accountable to other leaders in the church. They should speak to those they are accountable to and pray! It can do wonders. They will probably be recommended to take a sabbatical anyway.

  13. They should resign as to not lead the church away, you and other that believe in God should be praying for that person.

    You never know where their mind is or what they are living with. Love them and pray for them.

  14. If the minister no longer believe in God, then morality loses all meaning.  Now the minister has no obligation to anyone and may do whatever he feels like doing.  

    No Christian can operate under his/her a Christian worldview and profess to be an atheist, but an atheist can operate under an atheistic worldview and profess to be Christian.

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