Mine: This dog has actually passed, a lot of years ago. But he was probably the greatest dog I've ever known, or ever will have the pleasure of being around. He wasn't my dog; he was my parent's dog that I had grown up with.
Two occasions come to mind. The first was when our two mice escaped the mouse playhouse we had for them. My dog found them before we did. We just saw him walk by with a couple tails hanging out of his mouth, and we thought he'd eaten the mice. So we just let him outside. I watched through the window as he lied down under the trampoline, and set the mice between his paws. One of our cats saw this too, and she walked over to investigate. When he saw her going to him, he bared his teeth and started barking at her [which was extremely unusual, since he was VERY good with all of our animals, including our birds]. I went outside to see what was wrong with him, and the mice were perfectly intact, no blood, just a little wet. He was protecting them from the cat. He had simply found them, and picked them up gently. He let me just take them from him.
The second instance was one time when my mom got home from work. She came inside, and had left the garage door open, and the door that led from the house to the garage open, because she was in a hurry to get all of us kids ready to go somewhere. In the midst of her running around the house, making sure we were all where we needed to be, my little brother disappeared. He had walked out of the garage and was making his way down our street (I know, a big mistake on my mom's part for not closing the doors when she had young children in the house). My dog jumped our five foot fence, and walked with him. One of our lesser known neighbors saw him and the dog on their venture, and she picked my brother up and drove him to the sheriff's station. She left my dog behind. My dog followed her car all the way to the sheriffs station. In the meantime, my mom was searching frantically for her son, and in last resort, had called the sheriff's station, and described him to them, and they told her he was there. They told her our dog went in with him. She went to the sheriff's station to pick my brother up, and she looked at my dog, and asked them if she was going to have to pick him up at the animal shelter. They told her no, that he was only there because he was protecting my little brother, and that she could just take both of them home and carry on with her life, since it really was an honest mistake. Needless to say, as hurried as she was to get us to wherever we were going, we ended up being so late, that we just never even went.
What the most noble thing your dog has done?