
What is the most noble thing your dog has ever done?

by Guest65272  |  earlier

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Mine: This dog has actually passed, a lot of years ago. But he was probably the greatest dog I've ever known, or ever will have the pleasure of being around. He wasn't my dog; he was my parent's dog that I had grown up with.

Two occasions come to mind. The first was when our two mice escaped the mouse playhouse we had for them. My dog found them before we did. We just saw him walk by with a couple tails hanging out of his mouth, and we thought he'd eaten the mice. So we just let him outside. I watched through the window as he lied down under the trampoline, and set the mice between his paws. One of our cats saw this too, and she walked over to investigate. When he saw her going to him, he bared his teeth and started barking at her [which was extremely unusual, since he was VERY good with all of our animals, including our birds]. I went outside to see what was wrong with him, and the mice were perfectly intact, no blood, just a little wet. He was protecting them from the cat. He had simply found them, and picked them up gently. He let me just take them from him.

The second instance was one time when my mom got home from work. She came inside, and had left the garage door open, and the door that led from the house to the garage open, because she was in a hurry to get all of us kids ready to go somewhere. In the midst of her running around the house, making sure we were all where we needed to be, my little brother disappeared. He had walked out of the garage and was making his way down our street (I know, a big mistake on my mom's part for not closing the doors when she had young children in the house). My dog jumped our five foot fence, and walked with him. One of our lesser known neighbors saw him and the dog on their venture, and she picked my brother up and drove him to the sheriff's station. She left my dog behind. My dog followed her car all the way to the sheriffs station. In the meantime, my mom was searching frantically for her son, and in last resort, had called the sheriff's station, and described him to them, and they told her he was there. They told her our dog went in with him. She went to the sheriff's station to pick my brother up, and she looked at my dog, and asked them if she was going to have to pick him up at the animal shelter. They told her no, that he was only there because he was protecting my little brother, and that she could just take both of them home and carry on with her life, since it really was an honest mistake. Needless to say, as hurried as she was to get us to wherever we were going, we ended up being so late, that we just never even went.

What the most noble thing your dog has done?




  1. I had two Miniature Dachshunds, a boy named Rusty and a girl named Honey.  They were the best of friends, they would curl up and sleep together, Rusty would l**k Honey until she was sleeping.  They were inseparable.  They also shared a love for me and my family more then anything.  They helped up through so much.  They were honestly, we never though owning a dog could be so wonderful.  My parents are from cultures where a dog is an animal and they don't keep them as pets.  They don't love dogs like people in the United States do, and my parents LOVED them.  Always walking them, always playing with them, talking to them, etc.  When Honey was 9 years old she contracted a parasite that is extremely rare and untreatable, she also had cancer.  Throughout her last days, Rusty was by her side every second of the day; l*****g her, playing with her, he even brought her food over when she was feeling her worst.  When we had her put down, he wasn't there, but when we got home without her, it was like he understood.  He was heartbroken, and so were we.  He stayed by us, he just stayed in her bed all day, not even getting up for his walk.  After a couple weeks of mourning, he got up and wanted to play, and he helped us through our hard time of putting her to sleep.  It was almost like he was saying, "Alright!  Lets go guys, I'm tired of all this moping around!".  We wanted him to be happy and since Honey was sick, he never left her side for months, so now we could take him on long walks again.  He is very athletic and loves his walks and chasing rabbits more then life itself.  One night, when we were walking him, he stopped walking and started limping out of the blue.  We took him home and he was shaking in pain.  We called the Emergency Vet. and they said to watch him overnight, he may have hurt and muscle, etc.  The next morning he was unable to walk a couple steps without falling over and shaking.  We took him to the Emergency Vet., two disks in his spine had mineralized, he would never be able to use his back legs again.  The surgey that had a very low sucess rate was over $5,000, and we had already spent more then that on Honey, and we couldn't afford it.  The Vet. told us to keep him on several medications and it would help shrink the spine down and help him with the extreme amounts of pain he was in, maybe he would regain feeling.  A few weeks of intense bedrest and handfeeding him pass by, he has completely lost the ability to pee and p**p on his own.  None of us have left the house and every shirt of ours either had pee or p**p on it, since he had lost feeling and control down there.  He was completely miserible, one of the things he hated most was peeing in the house.  He was sad, he couldn't walk, he missed his Honey, he was confused, how could all of this happen to him in a few weeks!  Now it's several months later, he is completely off his pain killers, steriods, muscle relaxers, laxatives, and diapers.  (Yes diapers, he even rolled over when we had to put them on him.   It was like he understood we were taking care of him and making him better).  He went from being told he would never use his back legs again, to dragging himself around, to standing!  He can almost completely walk now, just a little wobbly.  He can walk, run, and swim.  He's almost back to his old self, maybe even better, before he would not be able to be around other dogs without going Bazerk, and now he is able to walk by without trouble.  We even got him a new friend, Daisy, who he loves to chase around and play with, (We didn't think we would be able to keep her at first because he is very terrortorial and protective!).  He was also very weary of people and would bark, now he is kind and likes meeting new friends. He helped us through so much and shows us every day how much he loves us.  He never gave up.  The Vet. even suggested putting him down because he was so depressed and his quality of life was so low.  He is a little fighter and we could not imagine what life would be like if we put him down, especially after putting down Honey only weeks before.

    We are so pround of our little man and we could imagine a dog so wonderful.

  2. i have a puppy, and only thing she done so far is couple of ticks and have a huge dump on my carpet.

    ur dog is major sweet and unbelievably good and good hearted

  3. Our dogs are more crazy than noble :P I can't really think of any truly noble act on their part at this point, actually!

    Sirius is a very sweet boy, however...when we had our last litter of puppies, whenever we had them in the Rubbermaid holding bin (don't worry, there were lots of blankets and a heating pad in it :P ) so we could change the beds in the whelping box, he would l**k them all and sit right by the box. It was ADORABLE - like he knew the babies were his brothers and sisters. They actually were full brothers and sisters - Hope was Sirius's mother and the mother of the newborns, and we had bred to the same male because of the quality of the puppies born in Sirius's litter (if that made sense!)

    2 years later, he still gives his little sister Faith kisses just like he used to when she was a newborn...don't know how noble it is, but it sure was adorable!

  4. My Shannon (beagle terrier husky mix, sounds weird but very pretty) has helped me through with some bouts with depression. I had her classified as a certified therapy dog because she has been such a great help. She has made me get up in the morning when I just want to stay in bed, she makes me play with her. And when I am really down, she comes and cuddles when I cry, which is the ONLY time she every cuddles. I have tried on other occasions, but she will move away. She senses my moods, and can even tell if I am fake crying and then won't come over. She has even gotten both my sister and my husband over their fear of dogs. If it wasn't for Shannon, my sister wouldn't have her two beagles.  My husband is now wrapped around Shannon's and my corgi puppy Sophie's paws. My husband told me if any dog tried to attack one of ours, he would drop kick it. (That means a lot coming from an animal lover like him). He would do anything for them.  I don't have as heart warming of a story as you, but I wouldn't give up my girls for anything. When Shan passes away, it is going to be a very dark day. So I try to enjoy every moment with them as possible. Sorry for the rambling message, I just wanted to brag a little about my wonderful pups.  

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