
What is the most paranormal experience you've ever had in your life?

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Please explain too and be serious!!




  1. I have never experienced anything that has required a paranormal explanation.

  2. Its hard for me to actually classify it as paranormal experience since i don't believe in such things, but people i have told seem to believe so.

    anyways, i was lying down in my apartment one day with some hella bad allergies. I was seriously lying on the couch with my eyes close to shut with tears, they were red and swollen and i was sneezing and had runny nose, and the works pretty much. I was alone in my apartment and I've pretty much been lying there for hours. anyways, i decided to rest my eyes a little and a couple second later my elbow felt like it needed to pop, so i raised my arm over my head and i felt a hand. i freaking jerked my hand back and covered myself with the blanket, and i still hadn't opened my eyes i was freaked out man. so l sat there thinking someone got into my apartment and was about to kill me or something, but nothing really happened so i decided it was nothing, still scared to open my eyes i pulled the blanket off my head and listened, and hesitant i raised my arm again to feel again, i didn't feel nothing, but when i was putting my arm back down it felt like i brushed up against someones finger. again i friggin ran for it my eyes still kind of closed then i realized i was being stupid, and turned around, no one was there. i was forcing a laugh thinking i was being stupid, then all of a sudden my nose stopped running and i felt like i could smell again. so i sat back down and watched TV, then my boyfriend came home. Then we both started smelling wood, like pine-ish smell. we shrugged it off and kept watching TV, 30 minutes later my mom calls and tell me that my grandpa's brother had died. I was so devastated since i grew up with him, i was trippin so bad. it wasn't until that night when i remembered that he was a carpenter and that his house always smelled like wood and stuff. i still think it was a coincidence but since my family is so superstitious they still tell me that it was my granpas bro visiting me

  3. Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.

    While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.

    Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.

    I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us.

    During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible.

    I can’t explain the love I felt with words. They simply don’t make words big enough or complete enough to do this. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there. Nothing but love. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed.

    I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck. Love and blessings.

    Your brother don

  4. most defintely i am a paranormal investigator, many experiences are on our site here was my first :) i love sharing this one but people on Y/A have prolly heard this 1000 time lol!!!

    was six and lived in Trenton , MI . When the family and I were sitting on the living room couch watching TV, they all of the sudden heard a loud crash that sounded like glass breaking. We ran down stairs to find the remains a light bulb in swept into a dust pan with a broom standing next to it , between that experience many things happened in that home such as things flying across the TV stand onto the floor was one creepy experience.Another is when my mother one day was doing laundry and something screamed boo in her ear . What ever was there in the home struck me in the back with a shoving almost like a smack when i was sitting down and watching tv and shortly after My mom had told me at night she would hear footsteps around her bed at night on a daily basis.”

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

  5. When 120 poems/song/rhymes came into my head as fast as I could write them down.

    Also, when my son was raised up off the bed while he was asleep.. (I had to push him back down.)

  6. One time I was reading through the alternative section of yahoo answers and before I even read the question I knew it was going to be ridiculous, silly, and a complete waste of time.

  7. something/one crawled into bed with me one morning, TWICE in a row.  same thing happened to the people who lived there B4, didn't tell us till afterward.....

  8. I had great experience of this type.One night I was fast asleep.Suddenly , a shadow-like figure seemed to be nearing me and whispering to me to go to the grave yard where my Grandpa was laid to rest.I remembered this vivdly in the morning when I woke up.i just forgot about it very quickly .....I was about 24. the following night , the same event happened and urged upon me to visit the grave yard as was told earlier. I didn't follow , although , I remembered the dream very clearly.On the third night the same figure appeared and anrily told me to go the spot alone ........and that too just before the sunset.I remembered the details and went to the spot which I knew very well as I used to visit the place once year most devotionally.I slowly went near the grave of my Grandpa and I found the top layer is removed .......foot prints were clearly visible above .....looked like someone just6 came out from inside and there was no step showing the return steps towards the grave.I looked around , but failed to see anyone around.I just prayed sincerely for the peace of the soul and it was almost dark.i walked back slowly .......just a few steps when the same whispering voice came near me and said he was very happy that I did visit the place and left a chain of pure gold in front me ......telling me  to wear it all the time .I said "thanks" and " in peace ".He said , "i left this place long ago.i am in a different world where I shall meet you again ......but, remember have to0 wear this chain always. More than 12 years passed by , there was no more dream or appearance of that nature.It seemed so natural to me when that conversation took place at the grave yard.

    Even today , I do wear the chain ...... I find it good for me , lucky for me in every way.

    I know, you all will laugh it out .......but, I did have this encounter and I do have the chain with me even now hanging round my neck.

  9. i'm channel surfing then came Oprah.

  10. I was once abducted by aliens..seriously!

  11. I grew up in Denver, I went to one of Columbine's sister schools and was in my Sophomore year of high school when the Columbine Shootings happened. I lost a few friends that day. No one went to school for what seemed like a month. When we returned, we were informed that our choir was going to be part of the area music festival, held at columbine. We practiced for what seemed like forever. At that time, I wrote songs. I had been writing a song called 'Rebel'. When our choir arrived at the school, we met in their band room, and then we were led out and into the Cafeteria. As we walked, i realized that the 'Rebel' was their mascot. I had no idea, and chalked it up to coincedence. We all finally congregated in the lobby in front of the cafeteria doors (for those of you that don't know, that's where most of the shootings took place.) My best friend and I walked in together, and you could feel the invisible barrier, like you were walking under a cold waterfall. When we crossed the threshold, my friend fell down, and started to scream. He couldn't move his body. a few of us dragged him back out into the lobby, sat him up, and he started having convlusions. He'd never had any history of anything like it (I'd known him for years) and never again had anything of the sort. He said later on to me in private, that he felt like he'd blacked out and that it was like a movie playing in his mind, like he was there when we lost our friends. Later on, when we finally got on stage, there was about 600 of us (I may be wrong on the number, but there were 5 or 6 schools there, and we were all on stage) getting on the risers. I was in the back, on the top row. From my feet to the ground was about 9 feet. We were all rustling around, trying to get situated, and find our spots. A young man put his hands on my shoulders from behind and said 'Hey, sweetie, can you scoot over a bit?', and i said 'Sure' and turned and looked, and there was no one there but a few girls that were talking to eachother. I was completely surrounded by girls. ;) Think what you want, but it all really happened.

    My dad passed away when i was 19, and my step mom has since remarried and moved away. she still owns the house they lived in, and used to ask me to check on it every once in a while, make sure the pipes didn't freeze. When my father died, my step mom started having problems with the heater working. It was one of those digital ones that you could see the numbers in and push the screen to change the settings. Well, it was 6 years after he'd died, and she asked me to go over and check on it for her one night, to make sure that the temp was working. She also had one of those gas fireplaces in the corner of the living room. It too, had an automatic setting, that it would turn itself on and off depending on the temp of the room. My boyfriend and I (he also knew my father before he'd passed away) went in the house, and instantly knew something was up. It was at least 20 degrees colder in the house than it was outside, and the lights in the basement were all on. We flipped on all of the lights upstairs, turned up the heater and on the fireplace,and my boyfriend went to check the basement, and I called my step mom on my cell. When he was down there, all of the lights in the entire house went off. I had her on speaker phone, and she told us to check the breakers. When he got back up the stairs, we went into the next room where the breaker box was, and opened the door. We were looking at it with a lighter, and all of a sudden the lights all came back on. None of the breakers were tripped. I finally got off the phone with her and hung up, and when she stopped talking, the lights started to flicker, all over the house. By this time, we were both a bit nervous to be there, and we started turning off all of the lights again, including the ones in the basement. When we made our way to the living room and the hall to their bedroom, I stepped into the hall to turn off the light in the hall, and all of the rest of the lights went off. I asked my boyfriend if he'd done it, and he said no. we were a bit freaked out now, and at the top of his voice, he said "Damnit, Russ! Turn the lights back on!", and INSTANTLY EVERYTHING came back on, even the ones we'd just turned off. Everything except the lights in their bedroom. I started to walk toward it, and it felt like the closer i got to the room, the colder it got. I turned around and told my boyfriend I was ready to leave now. I looked at the fireplace, and it had gone off again. So had the heater. We got outside, about 15' from the house and we couldn't move. Felt like our legs were jello. haha so, we stood there and looked at eachother for a little while. Finally, we got up the nerve to go. I haven't been back since. One thing about my father, is that when he was alive, he was always hot, him and my step mom were always arguing about the temperature, and he was always turning the heater off, and she was always turning it back on. Guess he really wanted the heater off...

    My father's mother passed away on new year's even this year. The lights in the house had been flickering very lightly since then. All of them. Finally, a couple of days ago, I said, 'I see you, please stop it!' and it stopped. probably her just saying goodbye. who knows. ;)

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