
What is the most points scored by an individual in an NBA game, while never missing a shot?

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What is the most points scored by an individual in an NBA game, while never missing a shot?




  1. You know..that a good question, I only heard of college wise the best fg performance was bill walton going something like 17/18 from field goal percentage.

  2. 100 by wilt chamberlain  then kobe he had 81

  3. Would they record such a thing that would be nice to know. But between Wilt and Bryant It probably be Wilt because of His Height. Actually I think He was a bully back then there weren't a lot of other big black talents to challenge Him. But back to your (Q) .Kobe seemed possessed when he caught fire, so ...

    But it could have been someone like Reggie Miller. I don't know

    Good (Q)

    Just saying!

  4. He said game ...

    Kobe had 9/9 and scored 30 points in 3qtr... sorry more than Lebron's..

    But i'm pretty sure it's Wilt Chamberlain with 18/18 from FG

  5. i think his name is scott wedman, boston celtics, around mid-80's, either it was 11-11 or 12-12 in one of the lakers vs boston fianls games in mid-80's, forgot how many points!

  6. lol..i think like 14 points by kevin garnett a while ago.i remember he went 7 out of 7 from the field like 6 years ago

  7. LeBron went perfect from the floor in just the first quarter.. he scored 24 pts in the first quarter alone shooting 100%.. I don't think thats the most but it is pretty d**n high.

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