
What is the most politically conservative country?

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just wondering.




  1. Your in it !

  2. Maybe Eritrea? I think I heard something about it on the net.

  3. Iran, probably.

    No g*y rights

    No separation of Mosque and State

    No welfare

    No women's rights

  4. It depends a lot on how you define conservative.

    But by most peoples definition of conservative, Iran is probably the most conservative nation on the planet.

    "conservative in a non extremist way y'all. iran is a little much"

    Well, you did ask for the *most* politically conservative country.  Many people would also consider the USA to be conservative in an extremist way.  So it is really a matter of perspective and what definitions of conservative people accept.

  5. Iran, hands down. The Islamic Republic there is so far right it borders on Fascism.

  6. irans nowhere near as bad as saudi arabia. but you americans like saudi arabia right?

  7. Afghanistan, that place makes it clear that people who think the US is the most conservative have never left the country or apparently read a book.

    This is not a bad thing over there.  They all pretty much agree that they're conservative so no one argues about it.  

    From what I've seen of Iran on TV and read about, Afghanistan is much more conservative.

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