
What is the most polpulated country on earth?

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What is the most polpulated country on earth?




  1. the most populated country is china.With just over 1.3 billion people  China is the world's largest and most populous country.As the world's population is approximately 6.6 billion, China represents a full 20% of the world's population so one in every five people on the planet is a resident of China.China's population growth has been somewhat slowed by the one child policy, in effect since 1979.China's total fertility rate is 1.7, which means that, on average, each woman gives birth to 1.7 children throughout her life. The necessary total fertility rate for a stable population is 2.1; nonetheless, China's population is expected to grow over the next few decades.By the late 2010s, China's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion. Around 2030, China's population is anticipated to peak and then slowly start dropping.As recently as 1950, China's population was a mere 563 million. The population grew dramatically through the following decades to one billion in the early 1980s.This can be attributed to immigration and a decrease in infant mortality and a decrease in death rate as national health improves.

    By the late 2010s, China's population is expected to reach 1.4 billion. Around 2030, China's population is anticipated to peak and then slowly start dropping.but till now is the most populated.

  2. China


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  4. China number 1. India closing in on China fast.

  5. china but they take to control this

  6. China has a strong lead.

  7. Its the Gr8 Gr8 China

    But Study says In a few year India will overtake China By 2015

  8. China, 1.3 billion people.

  9. china!

  10. China is the most populated country at the present.

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