
What is the most popular blogging site?

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I currently host a beauty review blog on :

The traffic on Vox doesn't seem to be too great, but I love the layout options and I was able to implement my own banner at the top of the page. I notice that blogs on get a lot more traffic, but I don't know exactly how much control I will have over the look and feel of the blog. I want it to look exactly the same as it is on Vox (or very similar) Would it be redundant to host my blog on both networks? Or give up on Vox all together?

Looking for responses from experienced bloggers.. thank you!




  1. I personally like Wordpress.  It's hard to get much better.

    Not only is it fully functional but you can either ... find a host that uses it, use the WordPress web site itself, or host it yourself using WordPress.  That allows you to start small and build up to something really nice.  Plus, it has plugins for everything under the sun.

  2. Blogger has different themes that you can choose from for your blog. With Blogger, you also have the ability to edit the HTML, I believe.

  3. I would recommend a host that provides WordPress hosting. Or, you could just use WordPress is the most powerful blogging software on the net - simply because it has a huge following and many developers who are always coming up with new themes and plugins to make WordPress even better. I've listed a few helpful links below. Good Luck!

  4. is great and you can use google adsense

  5. I've been on for awhile. I think that the two top ones are and wordpress and I'm beginning to think that wordpress is the more "grownup" of the two.

    The only support you'll get for blogger is in Google Groups, which can sometimes be very short or lacking.

    At wordpress.COM you can start with a free blog. Limited, only about 54 or so templates, just about 20 widgets, pay $15 a year to customize the full CSS. Still, you can write some html on your own and SOME CSS is. (You can also add "static" pages, making your blog a whole website.)

    Then, graduate to wordpress.ORG and download (free) wordpress software to your own website and install it. Customize the dickens out of it. Templates available all over the web, or create your own. Wahoo! I'm headed over there.

  6. Write your own blog code.  It can easily be learned from a $30US book in about a weekend ( to get the basics that you have access to on blogger sites ).  In time you can expand your knowledge and create a very powerful blog.  Then drive traffic to your site using search engine profiling techniques ( the white hat ones only ).  Post a few adds and watch the pennies roll in.

    Good luck.

  7. I am not familiar with Vox, if you like it, you can always drive traffic to it using squidoo, digg and similar.

    Optimizing your blog to be search engines friendly is also advisable.

    In blogger that is google owned and most popular, you have option to add your own header. You can move your blog there all together and have it look just like this one you have.

    Best way of all is to buy your own domain name and hosting and install wordpress.

  8. Here is one.

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