
What is the most popular cellphone today?!?

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What is the most popular cellphone today?!?




  1. Chocolate from Verizon.

  2. black berry!

  3. Nokia, in Africa

  4. Razr

  5. Sony Ericcsson K800i

  6. I've been hooked on the Razr ever since it came out. I have tried other phones, but I can't seem to let go of my Razr. I think in retrospect, the most "popular" cellpone today would depend on who your asking. Just go with what you like the most and that you can afford.

    good luck!

  7. The Nokia 3G phones. the N series. Look it up on the net and you'll find great N series Nokia phones like N90 etc.

  8. The walkman series from sony ericsson.. too good ones..

    As the mobile market is very dynamic.. no phone stick more than 2 months.. new models keep on coming.. Now nokia N series is hot frm nokia, Razr series frm motorola,chocolate series frm LG,walkman and cybershot series frm sony ericsson,slim x series from samsung

    The hot in market is VoIP phones now.. the iphone,skype phone, and soon to be launched google phones..

    And not to forget the PDA's ,Blackberry,O2 phones

  9. Verizon!!!!!!!!!!!!

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