
What is the most popular food in Ireland?

by Guest63726  |  earlier

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traditional or not

and if u know the recie please email it to me or post it here




  1. idk! never been there!

  2. ginnus?

  3. Yeah im Irish so I know what Irish people eat haha.Bacon and Cabbage is eaten alot over here.This would include Bacon (NOT the type that are fried on a pan and eaten for breakfast thats what we call rashers the bacon im talking about is a fillet of pork it is pink and salty),Cabbage,Carrots and spuds(potatoes)the spuds can be boiled,roasted,mashed.we eat alot of spuds here.Stew is another one.This is lamb cooked in a pot of gravy with onions,carrots,peas.Mashed spuds are eaten with stew.Hope this helped.I go to school here so if I got that for homework it would be so easy haha.Good luck!

  4. Potatoes, though they aren't a native food.

    Indian food is very popular too, all over

  5. Ireland is home to many great foods but the potato has always been a staple and is eaten in some way or another in almost every meal. Corn beef and cabbage is a favorite. Boxty, Colcannon, well there are so many.

    Potatos have long been used to their being relativley inexpensive and stems back to the great famine. I would defintly say either potato or the above mentioned

  6. here's a nice recipe for bread. This type of soda bread is often served with soup,and almost always with smoked salmon

    Tim Boland’s

    Irish traditional brown bread

    Makes one large loaf

    3 cups whole wheat flour

    ¾ cup oatmeal

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1 egg

    1 pint buttermilk

    Preheat oven to 425. Mix dry ingredients. Form a well in the center, and add egg and buttermilk. Stir until just mixed; do not over mix; as this will lead to tough heavy bread. Mixture should be wet but not runny. Place on a floured baking sheet and cut a cross in the center. A loaf pan will also work. Put in the oven until it starts to rise and brown; about 20 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 325 and bake a further 40 minutes. Bread will sound hollow when done. Wait1-2 minutes before removing from the pan; and about fifteen before slicing.

    n.b. Flour matters! Some brands may be coarser or finer than others Adjust liquids accordingly. The dough should be damp, yet hold its form.

    To achieve a softer crust, cover with a damp cloth upon removal from the oven.

    The buttermilk can be replaced with yoghurt mixed with a little milk. Fresh milk does not have the proper acidity to activate the baking soda.

  7. Probably a curry. No, definitely not native.

  8. If you have to do it for school, do something like a boxty or colcannon Also Irish soda bread is super good. But they're right - Indian food is really popular - curries w/ chips (UGH CHIPS WITH GARLIC MAYO - makes me want to throw-up). And of course... the jumbo breakfast roll

  9. Potatoes

  10. A Mightmac Meal. Loooool

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