
What is the most popular food in england?

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What is the most popular food in england?




  1. Indian or fish n chips.

  2. Hi :)

    It's eggs, chips and kippers!

  3. hahaaha you be surprised...

    Chicken Marsala ( it was even invented in UK, I read somewhere) ...

    follow-by : Fish and chips

  4. any kind of curry

    fish and chips

    full english breakfast-- sausages tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.


    angels on horseback

    devil on horseback

  5. Seriously, go with any of the answers that put curry and/or chicken tikka masala as the answer!

    Indian food (or Anglo-Indian food to probably be more accurate) is enormously popular in the UK and recent surveys have discovered that it has surpassed the more traditional British cuisine as the favorite choice for most people!

    A note:  in the UK, curry is often served with chips (that's french fries to you Americans).  Personally I don't like it but each to their own I guess.

  6. chips

  7. As mentioned by some others, the most popular food in England is now Indian curry, based on surveys done. The Indians have conquered the tastebuds of their former colonial masters, and right in their own backyard!

  8. chicken tikka marsala

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