
What is the most powerful magic the gathering creature?

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My brother opened a time spiral pack and found a 13/13 green creature (hes always gets lucky with getting rare card while im not) which is the most powerful card either of us have seen. Is there any creature more powerful/tough?




  1. well, my personal favorite is drove of elves...its a */* where its power and toughness are equal to the number of green permanents you control...i can usually get it to 100/100 or above in a single match....

    but also the BFM (Big Furry Monster) mentioned above is a 99/99--but its a ***** to summon

  2. Krosan Cloudscraper (the 13/13 you're talking about) has the highest combined power/toughness for any tournament legal creature. I will warn you though... the biggest creatures aren't the best.

    Creatures that have been considered the best:


    Wild Mongrel



  3. I don't think so, but a 13/13 creature would take a ton of mana, so unless you're facing that thing, concentrate on a variety of healing Sorceries and creatures around 4/4.  

  4. There is a black 99/99 creature called the big furry monster. It is an ungluded card (if you don't know what that is look it up)  

  5. The 13/13 creature you are talking about is probably Krosan Cloudscraper.

    I consider Tarmogoyf to be the most powerful creature. There isn't many creatures that can become a 8/9 for two mana, with no downsides and drawbacks. Tarmogoyf is probably the best green creature ever printed.

    If you are going for pure power/toughness, there is the BFM (Big Furry Monster,) a unglued, banned creature that is so big it spans two whole cards. It's a 99/99, if you are wondering.

    In the more legal zone, there is the Marit Lage token, which is a 20/20 Flying Indestructable token, but other than that, 13/13 is probably the biggest creature around.

    Hope that helped!

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