
What is the most precious thing that someone stole from you or u lost it

by  |  earlier

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maybe someone stole your heart and then break it, or there is a man/woman stole your spouse heart, or a memorable picture and etc




  1. my phone...

    stolen by a friend of mine. dammit!

  2. i lost my ring to a Hobbit

  3. my viginity  

  4. my heart.and he didn't even realise he did that

  5. I could say my heart but actually it's my mind. I've lost my mind completely. I've even forgotten how it happened

  6. My heart, lost to a man, who didn't even want it in the first place.

    How stupid can one get...

  7. Like cactuar, like me.

    But I have got it back.

    No loss.

    The person was not worth it

  8. 1. My husband by a so called "best girlfriend"

    2.  Precious Jewellry in a missed/lost and never found luggage even though my adresss was twice cleary on it - at least the Airline said so

  9. Definitely my heart.

  10. I've lost my heaven , now I'm cold day in h**l...

    I've lost 2pcs my 50 years old stamps ...d**n it  

  11. ....i lost myself in my tots and selfishness until i almost lost  the trust of my loved ones......

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