
What is the most pressing problem to be solved in the world today?

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What is the most pressing problem to be solved in the world today?




  1. How to ensure a tomorrow.

  2. Voilence!

    Cant we all just get along?

  3. Knife crime in the UK, and probably poverty in the rest of the world

  4. Religion it's the cause of most evil.

  5. The two types of abrogation of personal responsibility.

    1: "I don't have to help, it's somebody else's job to!"

    2: "It's somebody else's job to help ME!"

  6. Hunger and genocide.

  7. poverty and polarity of wealth.

  8. Hunger,Poverty and a soultion to TRUE peace

  9. Global hunger.

  10. Elimination of fossil fuel burning to satisfy energy demand.

  11. National Security . Without it,  we won't be needing to worry about the other stuff .

  12. Corruption

  13. The root of all problems is that the children's caretakers do not teach them empathy. When they do, we have compassionate adults. When they don't, the children become selfish, cold-hearted people, the root of all problems.

  14. i agree with misterbooks, but I'm not allowed to just give him thumbs-up...


  15. The most pressing problem to be solved is the inability for everyone to decide which is the most pressing problem!

  16. Materialism.

  17. hey waggy...... the complacency of mankind to "get on with it" while all around him lies the refuse of inequality...... the poor...the sick...and in general the weak.............when the unification of our species has commenced and we see all as equals.... then the solving of all other problems will begin to take place...... jeeez... i feel as if i should have said that on the steps of the u.n. headquarters.......

  18. The lack of compassion ,especially in Governments.

  19. Well, no one can solve all the problems in the world.  There will always be disasters such as floods, typhoons etc.  so there will always be poverty, illness, homelessness etc.  You cannot solve natural phenomena.  The biggest problem in the world - is the world.

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