
What is the most profitable (legal) crop that British farmers can grow, is it rapeseed ?

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What is the most profitable (legal) crop that British farmers can grow, is it rapeseed ?




  1. any cereals crop is doing well this year. but it fluctuates every year and you do need a glass ball to know whats going to be good next year . they ve done away with set aside so i guess growing anything is going to be good for a few years

  2. They fluctuate.

    Sometimes prices will be high sometimes they won't.

    So really if you were to set a contract and grow wheat this year you would do very well.But next year it might not be quite so easy.

  3. Not an answer, but the question leads me to ask who will pay for the eradication of wild rape that lines the roadside verges? The overspill from fields, and passing farm transport is stifling our natural habitat.   I would like the government to fine every farmer who has ever grown Rape and use the money to employ teams to clean up the weeds before they seed yet again.  

    Remember 1 yrs seed is 7 yrs weeds.


  4. I would guess that the most profitable crop would be something like strawberries or Christmas trees.  Of the most common crops grown rapeseed could well be the most profitable right now, but it will vary from year to year, as others have mentioned.  Right now in the US, the most profitable crop would be corn.  But soybeans has held the top place in the past several years.

  5. Herbs - legal ones! such as mint, basil and coriander.  They are often sold by the kilo and the prices are high.  Factories producing for supermarkets, supermarket prepack and (Indian) restaurants are the markets for this. Salads are also a high value market.

    They are not grown on such a large scale as cereals or sugarbeet but the margins are much greater.

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