
What is the most prominent advertising agency in NYC?

by Guest66570  |  earlier

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What is/are the most prominent advertising agency(ies) in NYC?

I'm thinking of applying for an internship during the fall and would like to know which agencies in NYC are considered the creme of the crope.

Not really for the salary but reputation and experience wise.

Thank you!




  1. I am not from New York however here are some ideas to consider. I have attached a link to the American Advertising Club in NY. I would check that out.Secondly what do you want to do - work on the creative side or business side? Find people who do those functions and ask for informational interviews. Interactive agencies are worth checking out as well.Use Google Advanced Search and enter advertising agencies and must have new york in my search for a list of agencies. Check them out - go to their websites and look to see which ones might interest you.Read Advertising Age and Ad Week to get a feel for New York agencies and what is going on.If you go to Yale I am sure there are alumni you can contact in the business who can help offer advice.You get paid 2 ways - experience and money. Take the opportunity for the best experience from your internship and money will follow.

  2. SO you have Harvard Degree? If not, umm..try something smaller

  3. The two best sources of information about advertising agencies in NYC are: 1) "Advertising Age."  This is the national trade journal for the industry. and 2) "Crain's Business Journal -- NYC" -- this is the primary source of up-to-date information about the makers and shakers in New YorkCity, includin Madison ave. (Very few advertising agencies are now on Madison Ave., but it remains the generic term for the industry.)

    I would read the two weeklies to get a sense of where the hot shops are and plan my campaign accordingly. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal will give you a day-by-day, blow-by-blow narrative which can help you sense who's up, who's down.

    You must decide for yourself what kind of shop (advertising agency talk for advertising agency) you would like to work for. ... boutique...etc. And the sort of job you'd ultimately like to have: again, creative, account management, media. I would also look at the sort of advertising any particular shop that strikes your fancy is turning out -- is it by the numbers ... inspired ...traditional...contemporary...British (perhaps the best advertising)...midwest...You've got your work cut out for you, but early intelligence work, reconnaissance, deployment of your resources, etc., and half the battle's won. (Awful metaphor. sorry.)

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