
What is the most quickest way to gain your reputation back?

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I have some problems with my reputation because the person I hung out with in the past. I want to prove to people that I'm not a bad person. That's why I need help on how I can get people to trust me that I'm not actually a bad person.




  1. Don't try so hard. Remember that actions speak louder than words. Don't want it so much...let it come to you. RELAX

  2. Change your friends, get new ones and start doing other things. A bad reputation is hard to change real quick. People love to talk about the dirty things in life, so it will take a while. Just start doing things that you know are good and right and sooner or later it will start to change. Good luck.

  3. A persons can lose a life time in a moment

    Of course trust is earned  

    It will take many days to build what you lost in one night

    All you can do is trust the process.

    Be that person who you say you are

    If you try to force the issue  then people will  shy away

    As of this point you are trying to  reap rewards for your good deeds

    or you wish them to think well of you    because  you are acting in a certain way

    You will have to be totally  unselfish  

    even if they never  trust you again

    you must show them  you trust your self

    You have the opportunity every day to be right or show love

    the choice you make   defines your character

  4. learn basic grammar

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