
What is the most reliable energy source?

by  |  earlier

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solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal, wave

at first i thought it was solr but the sun isnt always shining and at some point it is goning to run out but not any time soon. so what energy source from that list can we use all the time. thanks




  1. The sun has been powering the earth for over 4.5 billion years.  I use a  combination of  solar and wind, with a biodiesel generator backup.  I still want to build a hydroelectric system.  Geothermal would be the most dependable if you can find it, but expensive for set up.

  2. I think the most reliable source of energy is  BIOMASS ENERGY. BIOGAS PLANTS are a BOON to the FARMERS and it does not give a lot of smoke

  3. The most reliable source of energy is Hydrogen .. It is abundant in the sea  ( Hydrogen nuclear source of energy ) .. and  is a  rich source of energy .

  4. Oil is the most reliable form of energy at the moment. For powering of homes and cities it is Nuclear. Wind does not generate enough power consintently, tidal wave? Never heard of it. Solar is not cost effecient and a pipedream. If any of these worked they would be implemented sorry but OIL is the most reliable, most abundent and has many more uses than just as a energy source.

  5. Nothing mentioned above - it is GEOTHERMAL energy!

    You don`t have to generate any raw material for it!

    You can produce electricity 24/7

    You don`t have to worry about the weather forecast!

  6. For almost all of the history of the human race the main source of power for all purposes has been human labor, with water a distant second.  They're probably still the top two, by any criteria.

  7. the sun.

  8. The most reliable forms of energy are geothermal and solar.  People may think oil but that is not true, it will run out and that is not as distant as you think with current levels of usage.  The easy to get oil is already depleted.  Some will say solar is not reliable because the sun goes down at night, they obviously don't understand the science behind it because it will be back in a few hours guaranteed, if it burns out....the last thing we have to worry about is electricity.  With the generation of solar power you go into it knowing the sun is not shining 100% of the time, so if you do not plan for it and set up battery banks for night operation, it is the desiners fault not the reliablility of the solar process.

    Geothermal is also extreamly reliable, the earth is not going to cool down anytime soon, sooner or later it will, but it will be a gradual process and we will know well in advance that it is happing.  As it happens the geothermal plant will still be able to produce energy, just not as much as it was at peak temperature.

    If an oil tanker sinks and the power plant runs out of oil (unlikely yes) then you are in trouble.  You can not wake up everyday and say "I bet on my life oil will be at the plant" with solar and geothemal you know 100% the power source will be around day after day for millions of years.  Anything that requires the extracting, production, or hauling of raw material in order to produce power can not be considered reliable because there are to many places where the chain can break.

  9. Tidal is the most reliable and powerful, it is all so the most under used. Hydro from dams is next, wind is the most unreliable and is lowest performer.

  10. I think you were right with solar.  You can use solar panels that produce even when its cloudy.  Its a matter of storing the electricity once you have it in a way that is easy to access.  Unless you live in Nova Scotia, then wind power is the best - its always windy.

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