
What is the most renowned school in Georgia for music?

by Guest56779  |  earlier

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I want to obtain my music major with violin concentration. I hear from just about everyone that UGA is my best option, but I just wanted to see if anyone else knew of a better music school. I'm open to hearing about other colleges outside of GA, but mostly in the southeast region. Money/tuition isn't an issue. I just want to know what will make studios say, "Oh, you graduted from that school! You're HIRED!" Ok, maybe that's a little exaggerated, but you catch my drift. :-)




  1. ""Oh, you graduted from that school! You're HIRED!" "

    There are only a couple of those and even then it's about how well you play.  The couple of those are The Jiuilard School (NY) and Berklee (Boston)

    The honest truth about how professional musicians get the gig.  It's all about your reputation as a player.  Someone in the studio asks "does anyone know a good violinist?" and someone else says "I know this guy in Georgia...."  Nobody really ever asks "where did he go to college?" they ask "is he really good?"

    So the thing about the top schools is that 1) they make you become really good or you get washed out and 2) you meet other people that are really good who can refer you for gigs.

    Regular seats, like the symphony, require open auditions.  In that case, it's all about how you play and they don't care where you went to school.  The "name dropping" doesn't work in an open audition.

    UGa will offer you the most ops to play both on campus and in the "real world" but being in NY, LA, or Nashville would offer the true "real world" check on your abilities.

    Money is always an issue.  If you don't need any money then why be concerned about getting hired - just play for fun.  Careful with that expression - money is always an issue.  Ã¢Â˜Âº

    "...obtain my music major with violin concentration..."  We call this a Bachelor of Music in Music Performance (Violin) as opposed to the Bachelor of Arts in Music or the Bachelor of Music Education or the Bachelor of Music with any number of other concentration areas.

    Talk with some professional musicians where you live.  They know who produces the best where you are.  

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