
What is the most ridicoulous question that has ever been asked in this section?

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  1. once i read, "what is the most ridicoulous question that has ever been asked in this section?" can you say "Random!!"

    haha jk, the "am i pretty" are annoying!!

  2. The recent one asking if Floyd could beat Pavlik. I thought this section was for fans of boxing, those who had some knowledge of it.

  3. It has to be one by one of the countless Tyson worshipers attempting to elevate Mike out of the historical crapper that his behavior and lack of real competition left his historical legacy in.  This cult has been growing on this site, and it apparently consists of a growing number of degenerates who idolize and make excuses for a Mike's criminal behavior, abuse of women and mental disintegration while trying to claim he fought the at the same level of ability as a real heavyweight champion.  It is like some type of infectious form of mass insanity, and no amount of logical discourse or factual comparison will convince any of these people Mike is not a religious icon.  They insist on genuflecting at the mention of Mikes early string of KO's and sacrificing their ability to reason on the alter of mindless adoration of Mike's ability to be a mediocre slugger.  Sick and pitiful, but you cannon reason with unreasonable people and they have truly taken their worship of Mike into the realm of the ridiculous.

  4. The one that asked

    "Who was quoted as saying "he called me a rapist and a seclude, im not a seclude""

  5. The most ridiculous ones are those that put Tyson on a level that he never earned. They are the worst because they don't stop, yet no one can make any viable case for Mike's greatness.

    But the worst one probably was the one koking10 mentioned about Mayweather being better than Ali because he made more money. Most people answering thought it was a joke at first, but then he kept adding details to try to prove his point.

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