
What is the most ridiculous WWE finishing move?

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stuff that's just a simple move turned into a finisher.

like the peoples elbow (elbow drop)

clothesline from h**l (clothesline)

walls of jericho (boston crab)

F-U (fireman's carry)

things like that.

any others?




  1. BTW Walls Of Jericho is awesome

    I never  liked khali's vice grip though

  2. c**k of the walk (Terry Taylor's version of the boston crab) - so stupid.

  3. Batista Bomb - Powerbomb (Batista)

    Sweet Chin Music - Super Kick (Shawn Michaels)

    STFU - STF (John Cena)

    Gore - Spear (Rhino)

    Khali's Chop - Chop to the head (Great Khali)

    Big Boot - Big Boot (Snitsky)

  4. Tbh The Finishers you have stated as ridiculous i wud classas good but i think   the stink face has got be one of the worst finishers ever if that was one which i'm sure it is. and moves like the peoples elbow i see as something to get the crowd hyped but i wouldn't call it ridiculous also the think the shatterd dreams was abit silly a kick to the balls and no DQ

  5. hulk hogans legdrop- legdrop

    peoples elbow- elbow

    the worm- forearm

    clothesline from h**l- clothesline

  6. Ricky Ortiz has a really crappy finishing move.

  7. I hate the Undertakers new submission move. I want to see him pick opponents up and slam them to the matt. Just my opinion.  

  8. Clothesline from h**l

    Check out my stone cold tribute

  9. FU

  10. i would say clothesline from h**l (because its just a clothesline, afterall) or the samoan spike. its pretty retarded.

  11. Well, "ridiculous" doesn't seem to work right for me in this sense, as regular moves have been finishers for a long, LONG, time.  For example:

    The Flying Elbow - Randy Savage - Top Rope Elbow Drop

    Atomic Leg Drop - Hulk Hogan - Standing Leg Drop

    Shake Rattle and Roll - Road Dogg - Three punches and a dancing punch

    The Rude Awakening - Rick Rude - Sitout Neckbreaker

    Really, to me a "ridiculous" finisher are finishers that either (A) don't fit the character at all, (B) are moves that too many people use, or (C) take so long to set up that anyone should be able to kick out.

    Ones that fit MY criteria for ridiculous in the WWE:

    Curtain Call - Goldust - Bodyslam Lift to Reverse DDT hold to slow turn to neckbreaker

    People's Elbow - The Rock - Spinebuster to ridiculously long set up to cheezy elbow drop

    The Texas Destroyer - Trevor Murdoch - Front Flip Piledriver (a move that is legitimately IMPOSSIBLE to do without help from your opponent...)

    The C4 - Paul Burchill - Backflip Rock Bottom (a move that is even more impossible than the one before it)

    **((Just for your knowledge, the F-U isn't a typical fireman's carry.  It is an elevated fireman's carry into a power slam.  Typical fireman's carries are done while kneeling, and just done by rolling the opponent over the back.  An elevated fireman's carry is also known as a Death Valley Driver.))**

  12. A clothesline is actually a good finisher (but only in Japan where they are done ultra stiff:Kenta Kobashi or Stan Hansen style. I think the lamest finisher right now is Ricky Ortiz's finisher, it's just a splash with theatrics. It's basically another version of the People's Elbow, or the Worm.

  13. Boston Crab/Lion Tamer/Walls Of Jericho is actually pretty sick. You ever been in one? It's awful.

    Oh, and years ago The Lion Tamer/Walls Of Jericho was a Boston Crab variant where Jericho would stay standing while he did it putting a lot of the pressure on the neck/upper back. I don't know why he changed it.

    As far as ridiculous - Jeff Hardy's dumb Whisper In The Wind or Wind In The Willows or whatever they call that thing where he twists in the air and NEVER HITS THE GUY.

    That's super weak.

  14. Festus when he jumps up and down and slaps his legs and just jumps on his opponent.

  15. john cenas move the FU really ridiculous

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