
What is the most romantic restaurant / location in London?

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What is the most romantic restaurant / location in London?




  1. There are loads of places to go to. I would recommend La Tasca restaurant in Maiden Lane, in Covent Garden, the food is great and the atmosphere is very romantic, its a great place to take your partner. Cannizaro House at Wimbledon Common is also a great place to go. A romantic location could be the London Eye you could have a glass of champagne with your missus while looking out at the greatest city in the world. Hope that helps.

  2. If you have quite a bit of money to spend, the private champane rides on the london eye are nice but cliche!

    If your planning to trea someone, find out their favorite food and make it!! Then set up your garden with flowers and candles and woila!!

    If you want to go out, go to a small but nice indipendant resturant, specialising in whatever food you both love ( assuming you want to take someone)

    And if you cant cook, get a meal for two delivered from a fancy resturant. Im not suggesting much outsuide the garden coz thats the only place you can get to look EXACTLY how you want it!!

    good luck and this isnt very foody but have fun and relax coz thatll make it super amazing!! x  x

  3. ANY of the ones around covent garden

  4. Restaurants in south croydon, London are very romantic to go to.

  5. I think just outside South Kensington Tube Station is nice,  round the corner from the Natural History Museum, there's a Polish Restaurant .. very casual .. almost a cafe that you could take anyone to, main course about eight /ten pounds.   A Chinese restaurant/'canteen' has just opened .. main courses three/four pounds lol.  And there are all sorts of more expensive places as well as the usual coffee houses.

    The area' nice too.

  6. the most impresive and romantic place in london i'd say is windows. its a resturant on the top floor of the hilton park lane, it's all glass so you get a lovely view of the city. sun set is around dinner time this time of year. so it would be wonderful from there.

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