
What is the most satifsfying meal you've ever had...?

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higher chance of getting selected for best answer if its vegetarian!




  1. (Does Shrimp count as vegetarian? Or Salmon?) My Most satisfying meal was Alfredo Pasta topped with mushrooms and shrimp. Then with a side, a large medium well Salmon.

  2. I have had numerous satisfying meals, the most recent was a starter of Veal sweetbreads, with wild mushrooms and a very delicate sauce, followed by braised shoulder of lamb, on a bed of red cabbage, with broad beans and sweet potato mash, and for dessert, a spiced pineapple tart with gingerbread was all delicous.   But not vegetarian.

  3. chicken cesar salad made with baby spinach, pieces of baked chicken, chopped tomatoes, feta cheese, cesar dressing (i prefer wishbone), and s+p

  4. i was super full eating at qdoba's ordering the chicken taco salad =p its yummy in my tummy : )

  5. Sauteed Zichinni squash, onions, bell pepper, yellow squash, seasoned with garlic pwd., seasoned salt, pepper & a little chilli pwd. Sautee all together in a small amount of olive oil, then heat a flour tortilla, fill with veg. and enjoy.

  6. Sorry, this isn't vegitarian!! I had lamb kleftico at Tonys Taverna in Agia Napa on Sunday evening, and it melted in my mouth, absolutely delicious....and, I guess I will probably have the same when I go again next sunday too!!

  7. My favorite is a Copper River Salmon with sauteed spinach (Some vegetarians eat fish don't they?)

    I had it at Seasons 52 which is Dardens new healthy concept,

    with spinach sauteed in only garlic juice.  They only have this fish once a year around late May early June.  It runs out quick due to its popularity!

    The appetizer was equally good.  It was  stuffed mushrooms stuffed with crab and mini shrimp.  Served escargot style, yet with no butter (350 cal).

    You would swear it was cooked with butter because it is soooo good!

    For strictly vegetarian dishes, they have a great flat bread that is Rosemary/Parmesan.

    Their vegetable dish is huge yet all their entrees are under 750 calories!  It had a great selection but it changes according to the season.  It serves which ever veggies are freshest at the time with grilled tofu and cracked wheat tabbouleh.

    Last but not least the desserts are really good and are small sizes so you could try two if you wanted but I never have room for more than one!

  8. I always come back to macaroni and cheese, which my dad always made with a load of frozen peas stirred in and sliced tomato and breadcrumbs on top.  Sadly, my husband cannot abide cheese sauce, so we often go for Hungarian Casserole:

    6 potatoes chopped and fried in butter and olive oil

    add 1 chopped onion and 1 each chopped red and green peppers

    add a can of tomatoes, 2 teaspoons each of caraway seeds and ground paprika and 3/4 pint of veg stock

    simmer until potatoes are cooked through...


  9. green bean cassarole or a homemade veggieburger yum...yum...

  10. after a long drive from southampton to scarborough i checked into my hotel to be told the kitchen had closed.absolutely famished i went looking for food.found a mobile chippie on the quay,sat eating red hot fresh fish and chips most satistfying and enjoyable meal ever,

  11. you know, you just cant beat some beans on toast.

  12. steak is by far the best with whatever kind of potatoes on wants and a salad with blue cheese dressing and let"s not leave out someting chocolate

  13. mmm lasagnia (however it is spelt!!) and vegies and salad with itallian dressing yummy yum... (can b vegie lasagnia or meat one i dont care what ever takes your fancy - personally i like the vegetarian ones, but im not a vegetarian...) I also like to follow it up with cheese cake for dessert especially a citrus cheese cake... mmmmmmmmmmm

  14. Poulet Picatta Pomodoro

  15. Sea food meal

    Shark soup

    Butterfly Shrimps

    Special made lobestra

    Grilled fish

  16. langoustines and fresh mayonnaise followed by plain grilled Turbot, spinach, Jersey royals and hollandaise sauce, fresh bread and a 1/2 bottle of Meursault.

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