
What is the most shy animal? Can we eat them?

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haha tiger!...tq tq...




  1. r u for reel>????

  2. Mawas. You could try to eat them but it is very hard to get one. Very shy la, you know? But I think it would eat you first.

    Gonggok? Bwahaha, sudah lama aku tidak mendengar perkataan ini.

  3. i think its hamster..

    lets eat some curry hamster!!


  4. Ursus Americanus also known as American Black Bears. No u can't eat them.

    The other one is Sun Bear, the one always on top of the tree.

  5. rabbit? Europeans eat them

  6. This creature...

    Every time they encountered any movement they will cover themselves with... err.. themselves.. Some people back at my kampung did eat this. The fried them or just bakar only...

    There's a few others that are very shy but i don't know what they are called in English or Malay so i couldn't find the picture.


    s'phina -- I eat rabbit's meat..


    mr tigercub - i've seen people who actually eat this thing. Never try myself though..

  7. no idea, maybe a tortoise

    but i do know:

    shy [malu] plant = pokok semalu [mimosa]

    glamor fish = ikan gelama

  8. @ miss5miles' - the animals U mention is "Pill Millipede"...

    Are U sure U can eat them... eeeeeeeeeeehhhh...

    Shyness is usually a sign of fear and when an animals fear of people can develop for lots of different reasons. Sometimes it develops as a result of a bad experience with a person....

    I think probably the "reel fishes"... They swim away when human approaches them...

  9. Rabbit meat. Try once, very soft. I didn't realised what it was.

  10. gonggok...eehh yucks

  11. my spider is pemalu... but he doesnt care if i see him naked...

    i eat all animal that have vitamins....hehehe......

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