
What is the most similar building in Florence,italy that looks like white house?

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What is the most similar building in Florence,italy that looks like white house?




  1. The White House was inspired by the designs of the Italian architect Palladio. All the buildings that he designed himself are in the north of Italy in the Veneto and Venice. There are buildings in his style in many places though. Villa Valmarana in Vicenza looks a little like the White House, but not strikingly so. There is a house in Turin that is Palladian inspired that looks closer to the White House, but it only has one of the two wings. I haven't seen anything around Florence that particularly reminds me of the White House.

    Villa Almerico Capra in Vicenza inspired Monitcello.

  2. Nothing comes even close!

  3. none! florences's ones are better :)

  4. nothing- completely different style to architecture in florence.

  5. are you sure you're not thinking of rome?  

    mussolini's tomb is a large white building.....????

  6. In Florence nothing looks like the White House. Everything is genuine.

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