
What is the most sound golf betting strategy?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am trying hard to win my golf bets, and have followed numerous expert tips on golf betting. I would like to have a most sound and effective golf betting strategy. Please help me in this regard.




  1. Golf Betting Strategy

    Many golfers can be intimidated if they are scheduled to play in a tournament with a big golf star like Tiger Woods or Ernie Els. Even if the newcomers are good players, a good strategy for wagering on a winner is not to bet on them in such a tournament. This is because the big viewing galleries and the TV coverage can make them uncomfortable enough or nervous enough to not play their best and lose, thereby losing your money as well if you bet on them to win.

    These types of golfers, however, although they usually do not win big tournaments, can use their experience to score higher than an out of form big star like Tiger Woods in a single round. Really, the key to making a successful bet is for people who are going to make a bet is to do some research about the way a player goes around a golf course and plays. Instead of looking only at his chances of winning the tournament, people placing bets should think about his playing style, his opponents and the different motivations in play on the day.

    Even if people want to focus on betting on only certain players, it will be helpful to follow a large group of professionals as well, as you never know who will be chosen to play against each other. This way people who are making the bets can be sure that they have all the necessary information to make the best decision about who will win the game.

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