
What is the most spiritual thing you do every day?

by Guest63162  |  earlier

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What is the most spiritual thing you do every day?




  1. Posting here.

  2. Pray, read the Bible, and seek God's will for my life.  God is good and without him we can do nothing.  Jesus said, "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you"  (John 15:7).

    Those who hate God think that life revolves around selfishness and science and technology, money and all their own desires of the flesh, but that's the thing that will take them to eternal damnation.

    Jesus is alive and well and he is the way, the truth and the life.

  3. It would have to be a toss up between giving daily praise and thanks to God for all that he has allowed us/me , and reading his Holy Bible daily morning and night.

  4. Recognize my time with my family as a blessing.

  5. I try to treat the people I care for at work with respect, kindness, and dignity. Because that is what Jesus was about. I think we forget sometimes that Jesus was about love and forgiveness more than he was about following the rules all the time. Jesus broke the rule on not working on the sabbath many times. He healed the sick because he thought people's lives were more important than following the rules. Remember you can still be a rebel and love Jesus. Jesus was a rebel himself.

  6. Praying when I wake up in the morning, and before going to bed at night. I feel that it's important to give thanks for my blessings.

  7. Think up questions to ask here, spiritualy speaking, of course!

  8. Probably this place, spiritually speaking.

  9. I try to give others more attention than I get.  I try and love more.  I am always aware of the things I need but I try everyday to find a need other than my own and if I can help I do and if I can't I try to at least be kind or encouraging.  Sometimes acknowledgment is all a person needs to get a bran new perspective.

    (btw i am a cashier for a big food chain and see hundreds of people a day)

  10. when i pray in the morning. best time of day for praying. it sets the day up right = ]

  11. pray, playing christian songs on the guitar and worshipping, reading the Bible

  12. i changed my ringtone to rock me s**y jesus.

  13. Listen to God's word and let it shape my life and my decisions.

  14. don't kill bugs every day.. not really in a spiritual way. lots of slugs spiders etc.. where i work and try not to disturb them.. even tough i walked face first into a spiders web today.. no lie..

  15. "let that doodle go down your leg baby" "it feels smooth and creamy and very spiritual" "let me try to get one out.....ahhhh! ...I feel like I went to church"

    Source: --

    Jeffree Star Says h**l Naw LMAO! I can't believe I watched all that!

    But if you want a real spiritual thing I do every morning, I have to tell you, I don't do anything spiritual, just creative, artistic, healthy, and inspiring, it's called Yoga and it's wonderful.

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