
What is the most tickling u have ever endured?

by Guest57875  |  earlier

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  1. It's late and there have been several times when I was

    tickle-tortured to near death, but here's a "bad" one.

    I had 4 friends over one Saturday to watch a football

    game. I didn't know they had planned to "get me"

    and had everything ready. The game was on and at

    half-time they asked me for some drinks. I was out in

    the kitchen filling cups when one of them hollered:

    "TIGER! GET IN HERE NOW!" I went running in to

    the TV room and they tripped me on the rug and

    tackled me. I was wearing cutoffs, a T shirt and socks

    which they stripped off and then dragged me into

    the downstairs bedroom. They had the guest bed set

    up with straps and sat on me while they buckled my

    wrists above my head and my ankles stretched tight

    to the end of the bed. Then they sat around me and

    giggled. I was struggling and begging like "What you

    !@#&* dudes doin' with me...LET ME UP!!!" But they

    laughed and one picked up a bag off the floor. They

    took out feathers and brushes and lotion they had in

    there, and also a gag and a blindfold, which they put

    on me while I was jerking around and struggling.

    When they put the blindfold on I got scared. I thought

    they had gone psycho, but then they started tickling

    me all over and I went totally hysterical. They were

    laughing and saying "dude tickle his pits", and "do

    his titties", and then about 5 minutes later when I

    peed all over they laughed and hollered "YEAH!

    GET HIM...DON'T STOP!!!" I was completely out

    of my mind. All I could feel is fingers, feathers,

    brushes tickling me all over and my body was out

    of control, jerking and twisting around and laughing

    laughing laughing like a crazy person. I was tied so

    tight I was helpless and after about 15 minutes I

    knew I couldn't breathe from laughing. Then they

    said "watch this" and I heard something start to

    buzz loudly. Then I felt like electric shocks on my

    feet bottoms, underarms, ribs and privates. I

    screamed into the gag, then all I remember is

    my toes clenching tight and my back arching as

    they made me o****m. Then everything went black.

    When I woke up I was untied and they were wiping

    me down with towels and saying "TIGER TIGER,

    You OK dude? Wake up!"  They thought they had

    killed me because they told me I went into seizures

    and stopped breathing. It was one of the worst

    times I was ever tickled, and I came close to

    dying from it.    

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