
What is the most traumatic thing you ever went through, something you cant or have a hard time getting over?

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last month my dog accidently stepped on my t******e giving me a dysfunctional t******e, and the testosterone of an 80 year old man, not to mention a painful problem I will probably need surgery to fix

I have been through alot of c**p in my life but this definetly takes the cake, especially when I was trying to get over some other c**p, already in therapy and pretty much a virgin and looking forward to starting a love life, just 2 days before this incident I think I had a chance but I chickened out on, I have been through so much c**p in my life but I dont see how I will get over this, especially because there were so many ways this freak incident could have been prevented

And I probably wont take testosterone treatment because I hate taking any type of medication unless it is needed, I will probably just have to find some way to deal with 1 t******e and having the s*x drive of a 80 year old, I guess there are worse things in life, but I am not sure




  1. Aww im sorry,

    Hope u feel beter :)

    Well aswering your queston, my most traumatic thing that ever happned to me was not knowing my bright pink bra was hanging out of my shirt.

    I walked around all day and everyone looked at me all funny and im like uhhhh, what?

    To this day i still get called a " hoe " by some male classmates.


    I know its not that bad, but soo far my life has been pretty good :)

  2. I know you have heard this a lot, but I am really really really sorry about what happened to you.  You are right though, there are worse things in life.  It just isn't fair that these things happen to us, but they do and there is no way to prevent these things from happening. I am sorry, so very sorry.  But you will find someone who loves you for who you are, and I think that you should take the medication, because it may help you and I know you don't want to, but you may actually end up needing it.

    The worse thing that ever happened to me was going through puberty, enough said:D lol  But really.  I gained so much weight because I was going through puberty and my dad moved back home, and all h**l broke loose.  I now have saggy b***s and excess skin from loosing all that weight, I also have ugly stretch marks.  I guess it doesn't sound that bad, but looking in the mirror everyday hurts.

    But things could be worse, someone always has it worse.  

    Best of wishes to you.

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