
What is the most unique attribute about you? What makes you stand out in the crowd?

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What is the most unique attribute about you? What makes you stand out in the crowd?




  1. probably   (( my  smile ))

  2. my yellow 400 pound wheel chair

  3. the fact that i'm always nervous around people i don't know. When you see me in a crowd, i'm extremely shy. So i usually have this mask of uncaring and kind of unapproachable on my face. I don't smile, i don't show much emotion. In front of my friends i'm the exact opposite though. I'm giddy, air headed, and always i mean always laughing.

  4. I would say my friendlyness is my best attribute. I am very outgoing and like to have fun and I think it makes people relax a little bit more especially when you are meeting for the first time.

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