
What is the most valuable commuter survival skill you have learned?

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What is the most valuable commuter survival skill you have learned?




  1. all for himself

  2. guzfrabaaaa

  3. I have to be at work at 8:30AM. My tip is to leave 15 minutes early. It's the difference between a 15 minute drive and a 45 minute drive to work.

  4. Good Music, but nothing too hard. I get a little crazy with hard and loud. Wouldn't be good in commute traffic.

  5. the "1" thing i learned  is jus keep to yourself;)

  6. Find someone else doing 80mph and stick with them.

  7. ROAD RAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. Don't park your segway in bad parts of town.

  9. Leave early or set your clocks 15 minutes fast and pack some extra snacks.

  10. beware of people multi tasking

  11. don't make eye contact when you're on the train!

  12. That the train will NEVER run to schedule so make extra time for travel

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