
What is the most valuable species to conserve?

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What is the most valuable species to conserve?




  1. i would say man

  2. Phytoplankton, or to pick one, cyanobacteria. Not only do they produce most of the earths breathable oxygen but they are the primary producers of the oceans. They are absolutely vital to all aerobic life, I would say the most valuable species on the planet.

  3. The rain forests. Not one species I know, sorry.

  4. All life is precious, but we humans don't appreciate animals enough, they are just as entitled to be conserved, why do we think we are so special that we should have our existence conserved, afterall mankind seems h**l bent on destoying this planet - not the animals.

    Hope u have a good week Hun ;-)

  5. The human race

    Oops, just noticed that this question was in the botany section...

    In that case, the most valuable thing to conserve may be our woodlands because without them birds and flowers would not survive.

  6. Man

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