
What is the most vital physical and temperamental trait of your breed? And why?

by Guest65557  |  earlier

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What is the most vital physical and temperamental trait of your breed? And why?




  1. Dogue De Bordeaux

    Physcial- Big and Sturdy.  Also impressive and threating.

    Themperment- Sweet and loyal.

    Yorkshire Terrier

    Physical- Small and cute.

    Temp- Alot of determanation

  2. American Pit Bull Terrier

    Physical:  To be proportional, head, chest, height, and weight all needs to be proportional to the structure of the body.  Why?  Because these dogs can't be over burdened by extra weight and bulkiness, they are a working dog.

    Temperamental:  Their gameness, and tenacity.  They must be able to work hard, and continue to work under extreme situations.  They must have the instinctual knowledge to go after their prey, seek it, and kill.

    However, because of this temperamental vitality, it causes these dogs to be dangerous in novice hands.

  3. Iv got 3 dogs all 3 are a different breed.

    So first ill go with the Jack Russell Terrier.

    Physical-small and stocky.

    Temperamental-great with other dogs and children but not cats.

    The Jack Russell is a happy, bold, energetic dog; they are extremely loyal, intelligent and assertive. Their greatest attribute is their working ability, closely followed by their excellent qualities as a companion.

    The Chihuahua.

    Physical-small and swift and don't forget cute!

    temperamental-Very LOYAL good with kids and cats.

    The Chihuahua is a good companion dog. Courageous, extremely lively, proud and enterprising, it enjoys affection. Bold and saucy, it moves swiftly to avoid being stepped on. Chihuahua's can be strong-willed, intensely loyal and become very attached to their owners.

    The Pomeranian.

    Physical-small and fluffy.

    temperamental-Great with kids very loyal SMART but not good with cats.

    The Pomeranian is a lively little dog. Intelligent, eager to learn, very loyal to its handler and family. Willful, bold and sometimes temperamental. If it is properly introduced they usually get along with other dogs without any problems, but some of them seem to think they are much larger than they actually are and do not hesitate to attack much bigger dogs.  

  4. well Phar Lap starts the movie with the  quote:  the courage of the Lion is fighting - the courage of the Horse is running- a Horse will run through anything for you if he's honest.

    Substitute Whippet for horse and you have the most vital traits physical & mental for the whippet breed. the breed was developed as the poor mans race horse - small, easy to keep around the house, easy to handle, and capable of EXTREME intensity & speed after that lure!  

  5. To be at the right height!  Not hugh! Square head! soft mouthed.  This is the mark of a well bred Golden.  I've seen to many who have none of these basic features.

    Temperament to be loyal, patient and intelligent, alert, good working ability.  To many Golden's look great but are also couch potatoes!  Looks but no substance. Can't work a field to save their lives.  Over bred with bad temperaments and unpredictable natures.

  6. Physical.. obviously the hairless are suppossed to be hairless..  but the puffs are supposed to have a long double coat.

    temperment..  not aggressive.  I dont know many who are overly affectionate towards strangers.. but some are friendly or tolerant, while others are shy or leery of strangers.

  7. Pitbull:

    Physical Characteristic:  Either tall and muscular or short and stocky. Depends on the genes.

    Temperment: Loving, gentle and very intelligent

  8. Physical - I can only pick one?  Head and jaw shape - relates to the killing power of the jaws.

    Temperamental - Prey drive!!!!!

  9. Most vital physical trait...huh. Since this is a dog designed for survival, that's a tough one! Everything has a place.

    I suppose I could say the Siberian husky's medium size is its most vital physical trait -- everything about the breed should be moderate. A larger dog would require more food/resources; a heavier boned dog would be slower; a smaller dog would expend more energy pulling the load, and would require more dogs for the same load (which means more resources expended).

    The most vital temperamental trait is a bit easier -- sociability. Sociability allows the dog to get along well with other dogs, which lends itself to working in a team.

    Sociability also allows the dog to like all people, which means it will work for all people, and can easily be transferred from one team to another. A dog that will work for anyone, and with any other dog is valuable; a troublemaker loyal only to one person is a liability and a waste of dog food.

  10. great dane- Giant and Protective!

    so loving, cuddly, and Beautiful!

  11. Physical- Extra large and powerful

    Temperment- Gentle and sweet

  12. Oh the chesapeake..

    Physical-their coat and strength. Their coat is not only their most vital trait in the show ring, but is also needed for working. It is certainly their most distinguishing factor, physically at least. It must be wooly, thick, wavy, and oily in order to keep them warm and repel ice cold water during long days spent retrieving waterfowl. They are bred to be strong! They have to be, in order to spend those long days without weakening. Many chessies hold top weight pulling titles.

    Temperamental-drive, undoubtedly. A good chessie will have you throwing balls for him until your arm falls out of it's socket. Again, this is necessary for them to have in order to be good workers. They should thrive on retrieving. And also, drive as in guarding instinct. They are the only retriever breed purposely bred to be protective-the original purpose of this was so they could stay in their master's boat and guard the fowl they've brought ashore while their master left. Although a good deal of this was bred out in the breed's earlier days (they were seen to be "too" protective), it is still a very strong trait in their personality.

  13. Minimally said....

    Physical trait:   Build should be within standards....male/65-75lbs, female/55-65lbs.  Strong, build.......not huge.  A broad head, and friendly eyes, healthy coat/dense.  Note:  There is more that I won't list here in a small space.  

    Tempermental:   Warm-fun-loving nature, willingness, and easily trainable.  Very friendly and trusting.   "My favorite quote when I speak of all my goldens, past and present, is this:  "It's all in the eyes of a golden retriever".  :oD

    Why?   This makes for a quality golden retriever.....and holds the standards expected.   One of such standards (with additional expectations), is what you would expect to find from a quality breeder.  One that aims for the best in breed.

  14. For the Doberman, its most important physical characteristic is that it be strong and athletic. The most important temperament trait is that it be fearless and confident because the Doberman is first and foremost a protector and these traits are all necessary to produce a dog capable of doing its job.

  15. Rough Collie:

    Physical - Coat

    Temperment - friendly

    To me they are aesthetically pleasing, but thats just a bonus really. What I really love is their easy going lovable attitude, while still being smart and trainable.

    Australian Shepherd:

    Physical -  beautiful coat colors

    Temperment - guardians

    My aussie has the biggest personality. I love his blue merle coat and the fact that he is my shadow. I love his natural guardian instinct, no one except me seems to watch after their dogs out where I live. As a result I have had a few aggresive dogs come after me while walking my dogs and he never hesitates to try and protect me. Even if I dont let him do it.

  16. I have a pit and I'd say his most "vital" trait is the fact that he is extremely alert to whether or not things are ok. It defines so much of his behavior, both indoors and out. He's fairly active indoors unless he's actually tired and napping. That means he follows me around a lot to see what I'm doing, or periodically checks the various rooms, or otherwise looks for something to do -- "supervising" the other dog playing with or chewing their toys.

    Outdoors he regularly patrols the perimeter of the yard, just to make certain something is not amiss. On our walks he is vigilant as well. We are accustomed to seeing a neighbor taking his little dog out front to use the potty. One day the neighbor was out by himself and my dog stopped, looking at the man intently.  My neighbor knew exactly what my dog was wondering and he said, "She's inside, in her bed." The answer clearly satisfied my dog. My neighbor and I both chuckled and my dog and I continued on our way.

  17. Physical- Small and stocky

    Temperamental- Works excellently with other dogs

    It's very important for a beagle to be small because they need to be able to get into the brush and sniff around to find their rabbit. And since they work in packs, they must be good with other dogs.  

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