
What is the most watched television event in history?

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I'm not talking about television shows like the final episode of MASH, but events like Live Aid. We also forget about things like the moon landing. Which of all these major televised events was the most watched in history?




  1. Maybe the incident of WTC..

  2. Diana's funeral or the OJ trials.

    Possibly 9-11.

  3. The moon landing would have been, if not for the small amount of television sets around back than. Plus the impossibility of world wide broadcasting in those days.

  4. Princess Diana's funeral was a big contender.

    Wiki says:

    There are no exact figures available for global television events.

    However, a report by IPG media agency Initiative Worldwide stated that the 2006 FIFA World Cup was the most-watched sporting event of that year with an average 1.2 billion viewers per match [31].

    Such statistics have, however, proved controversial, failing to stand up to scrutiny [32], and audience figures cited in billions are practically unverifiable.

    It is popularly believed that the British TV show Top Gear is one of the most watched shows around the world. It is broadcast in 117 countries and is purportedly watched by up to one billion people.[33]

    The funeral of Princess Diana was watched by an estimated 2.5 billion people.[34]

    The 2008 Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony from the Beijing National Stadium in Beijing, China was watched by an estimated four billion viewers worldwide.

  5. The Beijing Olympics Is A Good Contender. Millions Of Veiwings World Wide... =]

  6. JFK's  assassination and funeral is up there amongst the top I'm sure.

  7. The Beijing Games has become the most-watched U.S. television event of all time.

    Through 16 days of coverage, 211 million viewers have watched the Olympics on NBC Universal's broadcast network and cable channels, according to Nielsen Media Research.  (

    (Princess Diana's funeral was watched by 31 million people -

  8. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

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