
What is the most well known Designer for Prescription Eyeglass Frames?

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I'm looking for new prescription eyeglass frames (not sunglasses) for a 13 year old girl. I want to choose a brand that is "in" - something that is high end, prestigious and well-known. The price must be US $500 or less. Thank you.




  1. D&G makes eyeglasses and so do DKNY, Prada, Burberry, Bvlgari, and Versace. Armani Exchange also makes eyeglasses.

    Most teens who wear designer frames choose D&G, which are recognizable due to the large "D&G" lettering on the temples.  Prada, Burberry, Bvlgari, Versace, and Ralph Lauren have smaller lettering on the sides and are typically more "classic."  Meaning that it will probably be easier to find D&G in bright colors than Prada in bright colors.

    Many teens also pick Vogue, which isn't a high-end brand but is pretty popular.

    Generally all of the brands I mentioned are priced at about $300-400 per frame which is within your price range. It might be a little too much for a 13-year-old (I'm 13) since we teens move around a lot and if she's not extra careful, she may damage them. But if she's responsible enough and takes care to wipe her lenses off a few times every day and use a case when she's not wearing them, it's worth the investment since designer frames are so pretty and fairly strong. :D

    Lenscrafters has lots:

  2. Most of the high-end fashion designers have an eye wear line. Brands like Dolce & Gabbana and Dior have glasses under $500. They're a little much for a 13 year old, so I recommend brands like Candies, Covergirl, or Liz Claiborne. They tend to have glasses geared towards teens.

  3. Prada, Versace, Bvlgari and Gucci are the top designer frames for prescription glasses.

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